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it was the day of the party.

you went to get all dressed and glammed.

you didn't wear that much makeup though, you and jennie were both ready and you called taehyung to tell him to pick you up.

you went out and saw him waiting for you outside. he rolled his eyes and you went beside him.

" what's wrong? " you asked.

" didn't i tell you to not wear things that short? " he asked.

" taehyung you aren't supposed to control me " you replied angrily.

" i'm your boyfriend i'm supposed to take care of you and protect you " he said.

" that doesn't mean to control everything i do and wear " you replied.

" are you on your period? you seem like your mood sucks right now " taehyung said.

" taehyung i'm serious " you replied.

" i am too, get inside and change your dress " he said as he crossed his arms and looked at you.

" i won't " you replied angrily.

" then you aren't going to the party " he said.

" I DON'T NEED YOU TO GET ME THERE THEN, LEAVE ME ALONE " you shouted and pushed him as you left the car.

taehyung drove his car angrily, he went to his house and started punching the wall.

you called jennie and she went with kai to pick you up.

" what's wrong? " jennie asked.

" me and taehyung had a huge fight " you said and you were crying.

you told him what the fight was about.

" are you fucking stupid? he's trying to protect you, this is so stupid " jennie said.

" I'M NOT GONNA LET HIM CONTROL ME " you said angrily.

you arrived at the party and you didn't even want to party, you were so upset.

you turned on your phone and saw a message from taehyung.

TAEHYUNG ❤️ : you know what it's over.

ME : great, i don't need to be controlled just like my past relationship.

TAEHYUNG ❤️ : you need a therapist, not me though.

ME : yeah i know.

TAEHYUNG ❤️ : i'm serious, you need a therapist, you have mental issues.

you turned off your phone and started crying so much.

you couldn't believe a stupid fight would do all of that. you felt like he didn't care about you because he let you go so easily.

meanwhile taehyung was busy punching the wall until his hand was all bloody.

both of you needed help..you needed help and he needed help too.

he needed to get over his past just like you did too.

you eventually left the party because you didn't want to stay there.

jennie was supposed to go home with kai but she didn't and stayed with you, she felt like you needed her.

she waited until you calmed down and sat beside you and hugged you.

" y/n, you need to leave your past behind before getting in a relationship " jennie said.

" i can't...i won't ever stay with someone because i'm crazy, i need serious help " you replied.

" you're not crazy, you have dealt with one of the worst things ever, which was mental and physical abuse " jennie said.

" but taehyung made me felt like i was okay " you replied.

" you can't be with him for some time, you need to heal up from yugyeom " jennie replied.

a few weeks later

you were friends with this guy, his name was wooyoung, he liked you but you couldn't promise him that you would date him, you were missing taehyung badly but you didn't want to go to his office because you were scared and you didn't want to take the first step.

the fight was probably the stupidest thing y'all have read before, i suck at writing fights or sad stuff..sorry lol

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