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yugyeom nodded and was looking down as the guards took him to prison.

you went home with taehyung and you couldn't stop thinking about his words.

" taehyung....what's love? " you suddenly asked.

" love is....trying to be the source of happiness of someone, and always trying to be postitive to them all the time, willing to sacrifice your life for them, and it's by actions not words, but it's better to do both " taehyung answered and looked at you, you were smiling at him.

" you just explained what you do for me " you said and looked at taehyung softly.

" because i love you deeply, y/n " he said with a huge smile on his face.

" and i love you deeper than your own voice " you said with a smile, he giggled at your words.

" but why does yugyeom say that he loves me when all he showed was the opposite of what you said? " you asked.

" he's probably not able to love..he is really mentally ill, he's supposed to get help while he's still at prison..he did love you, but he probably didn't know how to show it, that's my theory " taehyung replied.

" now let's go relax in the bathtub, you need to relax and calm down" taehyung said as he went in the bathroom and you went after him, you took off your clothes and he took off his. he sat in the bathtub and you sat in his lap, he was facing your back.

you relaxed your head on his chest and went to sleep.

even though it was like 3 pm, you still slept, his touch makes you fall asleep fast.

he woke you up at 12 pm.

" great, i won't be able to sleep again " you said.

" it's okay, i slept a long time so we'll stay up together " he replied.

you stayed up playing games and talking, using your phones.

it was 8 am so taehyung went to wear his work clothes, and you wore the white shirt and the black skirt ( don't worry you took the shirt before leaving the house you got kidnapped in hehe ) then you both went to the office.

you sat on his desk and he sat on his chair, kissing you.

you heard a knock on the door so you just went to open the door.

it was a lady dressed in black pants and a white shirt.

" oh hi, are you new here? " the lady asked.

" she's my girlfriend, she's gonna be working as my secretary " taehyung replied.

" awww she's so cute and beautiful " the lady said as she played with your cheeks.

the lady talked to you about work and how if you learned fast from taehyung you'd work here too.

the lady then left and another person knocked on the door.

you opened the door and it was one of the yugyeom's friends that he'd threaten you they'd come after you.

you were shaking as you saw the guy.

" please don't be scared of me, i just came to say a few things " he entered and sat on the chair, you sat beside taehyung on the chair handle thing ( i don't know what it's called lol )

" yugyeom was threatened if he said the truth he'd get killed, he didn't say anything that really happened at court yesterday " the guy said.

" in reality, one day you were walking home from college alone, and the guy saw you, he went to talk to you and you rejected him " the guy continued

" YES I REMEMBER " you said as you remembered the guy.

" he stalked you and knew who your boyfriend was, which was yugyeom..and yugyeom was followed home by the guy and told him that he had to keep you at home for years, and make you scared of him and obey everything he said, everything he said was forced..he was told to bring girls on weekends, to make you feel like he didn't love you, and that he was harsh and the remaining days he was showing his true self to you..he was only supposed to act in this way on weekends, to seem like he was a psychopath, because he was threatened that the man would kill both of you " the guy said.

you were shocked..

" when yugyeom saw the hickey he was so upset, that his real and fake personality got mixed, he was hitting you started crying when he locked himself in his room, he'd always do that when he'd hit you because he'd cry his eyes out, but he felt like he deserved you cheating on him, because he wasn't a good boyfriend to you "

" when he walked on you making out with taehyung, he got so upset he stabbed taehyung, again his fake personality got mixed with his real one, when he ran away he was crying and almost killed himself then lastly, he kidnapped you and asked the guy to not go hard on you "

" i heard him " you said.

" he's getting therapy while he's at jail, and i told the prosecutor everything, the guy got prison time for 55 years "

" 55 YEARS? " you asked.

" yup, he's murdered and raped MANY girls before " the man continued.

" please forgive yugyeom, he doesn't want to be your boyfriend because he thinks that taehyung is the best guy for you, but he just wants you to forget all the bad things, because it wasn't truly him " the guy said and took his mask off.

he looked so cute and innocent.

" j-jimin? " taehyung stuttered.

taehyung immediately got up and hugged the guy.

" how did you know all of that? " taehyung asked.

" i told you about him and how he's my friend a few years ago, remember? " jimin said.

" I KNEW I HEARD HIS NAME SOMEWHERE WHEN Y/N TOLD ME ABOUT HIM " taehyung said as he smacked his fist on the table.

" i got surprised too many times this year " you said.

jimin laughed and hugged you.

" there's one surprise left, cousin " he said and cried.

" cousin? " you asked.

" you're my cousin..my cruel uncle's daughter, that's the last surprise " jimin said.

" i'm sorry for what you dealt with, you've dealt with the worst things in this world " jimin said and you both cried.

" my brain can't function what's happening right now " you said.

you all laughed and jimin left after a while.

you buried your face in your hands and started crying.

" the fucking mood swings again " taehyung said to himself and smiled.

" why are you crying? it's okay y/n, everything is back to normal now, i'll be yours forever " taehyung said and hugged you tightly.

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