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Anastasia's POV~

I wake up to the sun peeking through the curtains filling my room up with the bright light. My favorite way to wake up. I look over at my phone to see the time. 6 am, just in time. I roll over and get ready for school.

I do my normal routine. Wash my face and brush my teeth. I change into my outfit. Today I was going for a more trendy look. After I change, I apply a little bit of makeup.

( her fit )

I head downstairs and make sure I don't wake up my family

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I head downstairs and make sure I don't wake up my family. I grab my keys and head to the Petite Cafe. I go here every morning for breakfast and because it's a nice place to study a bit.

When I arrive I walk in and get my everyday order, iced coffee with avocado toast. I sit at a table next to the window and go on my phone.

After about 30 minutes of studying and going on my phone, I see it's already 6:45 am. I get in my car and head to school.

School starts at 8 am but I have to be here and 7 for my daily dose of mean girls. I arrive at school and wait for Meredith and her minions to come.

I sit and draw for a while. All of a sudden.

"Hey misses popular." A voice all too familiar appears at the end of the hallway. Here we go again.

Soon enough, I'm on the floor getting thrown around like a toy.

After about 5 minutes they get bored and walk away. I never tell anyone about this. Why? I don't like when people worry about me.

Going to the bathroom, I clean up my new bruises with a bit of makeup. Strange how they left bigger marks than normal, something probably pissed Meredith off before hand.

I gather my things, walk out the bathroom, and head to my 1st period. I have a little limp because my stomach hurts so bad.

Since it is only 7:15 I have time to do whatever. So I draw. Before I know it, it's 7:45. Many people start to arrive.

"Hey, girl." My Violet says and I jump. "Oh hey, Jesus you almost gave me a heart attack." She laughs at my comment. "Why are you always here so early, what the hell."
"I am here early so I get things done Violet I already told you that."
"I know I know it's just weird."
"Oh shush and get ready for class, the teacher is here."

We pull our supplies out and start doing what the teacher tells us. V ( Violet's nickname is V) and I do the work together. I was thinking hard about a question when all of a sudden I heard a big bang that made me jump all the way to Jupiter.

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