ch 15

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We are already halfway through spring break and I have done absolutely nothing. My mom has gone back to whoever and wherever she was before and I am alone at my house.

So far spring break has been nothing fun which is as sad at it seems.

Another no plans day passes by and I'm on my porch sitting on the hanging chair.

I reminisce freshman year when I was in volleyball, had a boyfriend and so many other great friends. Speaking of volleyball, that is what I should do today.

I shoot a text to Violet.

Me- hey! just wondering if you wanna hang and play volleyball?

Violet- hey umm.. can we play later? I'm kind of busy.

Me- oh yeah sure!

I put my phone down and sigh. So much for best friend huh? I decide to go to the volleyball gym anyways.

When I get there, I see Mia from the cafe I went to about a week ago. She is in one of the personal gyms practicing her spike and let me tell you, she has one good hit.

I walk in, "Mind if I join?" Seeing that I caught her off guard she almost stumbles back. "Oh hey! Yes of course." She says smiling.

We practice serving, setting, spiking, setting, and diving, you name it, we did it.

It has been 3 hours and we are sweating our asses off.

Mia heads to the shower room and we say our goodbyes. I feel odd taking showers here so I just take one at home.


After about an hour of showering, I feel great. I go inside my closet to find an outfit to wear because today I think I'm just going to pamper myself.

I threw on a simple black dress, a cardigan, and white air forces. The drive to the beauty salon was short and fun. My music was all the way up and my windows we're down with me screaming my lungs out to the songs that played.

Today was my day.


When I enter the salon I get greeted by the women. Most people here know me because I often visit.

I get a facial, wax, hair treatment, now I am getting my nails done. As much as I wish V was here with me, she is probably busy.

So after I'm done i decide to give Asher a call. He picks up after the 3rd ring.

Me- hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?

Asher- um..yeah sure i guess.

Me- sweet, I'll pick you up?

Asher- yeah sure just let me text you my address.

He then hangs up and texts me his address. But before I pick him up, I get snacks from the grocery store.


I'm on my way to his house. When I am here I am shocked at the size of it.

They have a 3 car garage, 3 stories and huge fountains in front of it.

My jaw drops to the floor. I see as Asher walk out and let me tell you, he looks good.

He opens the door "Hey." I say, but no words come out of his mouth. "Umm, where to?" I ask but once again no words.

"Okay, I'll choose. By the way, I got a lot of snacks and-"

"Who was that boy you were with yesterday?"

He caught me off-guard with that question, he also cut me off. "His name is Logan, I met him yesterday, he is new." He nods.

"Let's go." He says. What the fuck just happened?


We both went back to my house and watched movies for hours. Eventually, my mom called and told me she wasn't coming home for about a week. I just decided to he happy for her.


It's now 5 in the evening and I am about to make some dinner. I decide on making a simple chicken salad with water. Just healthy things.

"Not bad Smith." I roll my eyes playfully and throw a throw pillow at him which causes one to come plunging at my face afterward. "Oh, it's on." I competitively say with a grin.


My house is a mess with pillows all over it. Tonight was one of the good nights for the books. I got some pictures of me and Asher which are so going up on my wall.

Asher is so heartless around others but when I am with him I see a completely different side of him. A sweet and caring side. Everyone thinks he is so heartless, he isn't.

You are one odd human being Johnson.


Authors note

Nothing like teen love am I right?

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