ch 5

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The first thing I did when I woke up was put makeup on to cover the bruises on my neck and eye. But hey, its the weekend finally.

"Morning Ana." my mom greets me when I walk downstairs. "Morning mom." "Any plans this weekend?" "Nope, I don't think so." We just sit there eating our breakfast.

"So mom, there is a party on Friday-"

"Yes you can go and I know I can't stop you from drinking and doing other things so be careful is all I am going to tell you, okay?"

I was taken back by her comment. I thought she was going to say no.

"Well you know I won't drink mom." I refuse to taste alcohol. Dad and Ryder died from a drunk driver.

Mom decided since I don't have plans, we should go shopping. I quickly change into something other than sweats and a t-shirt.

(H E R O U T F I T)

We are now in Urban Outfitters and I picked out a few cute clothes

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We are now in Urban Outfitters and I picked out a few cute clothes. My mom got a fuzzy coat which is funny because she has like 100 of them.

After going to almost every store in the mall, we go to Menchie's. I love this place.

"You know Ana, I see you have a little limp. May I ask why?"

I choke on my frozen yogurt for a second. "Oh.. Uh.. um, I have really bad cramps." I said in the most honest voice I could make. She looks at me the way V did. She nodded but I know her and she does not believe me.

When we finish we go to a couple more stores. My mom bumps into this girl and they start talking. Since she forgot I was here, I start to wander off in the store. My attention is suddenly all over this outfit I saw that was perfect for the party. I hate them but when I go to one, I put in the effort for it.

When I buy it I go back to Mom. She is still talking to the girl. "Can we go now?" I said in unison with someone else. I look to see who it is.



Tracy decided to make Abigail and I to the mall for stupid bonding time. I only went because Abi wanted to.

When we arrive we just go in and out of a million different stores. I bought Abigail some things she wanted. I am carrying her bags with 1 hand and her little hand is in the other.

The day goes by and we all start to get bored. Tracy went into a store that did not interest Abi and I so we went to the toy store.

After about 30 minutes Abigail got tired as hell. So i carry her toys and bag. She is on my back with her head sound asleep on my shoulders.

"Can we go now?" Me and someone else said at the same time. I look to see who it is.


I give her the best death glare i possible could. Then i notice a little dark spot around her face and a little darkness on her neck.

Are those bruises?

Before i could see for sure, she puts her head down and asks for the restroom. What the hell.


He sees me. I gave him my best death glare and he gave me his but also looked at me observently.

Could he see the bruises? I put my head down.

"Mom I am going to the restroom really quick I need to fix something."

I see that the makeup around the bruises was slowly wiping off which means.. he. probably. saw. the. bruises. 'Shit shit shit shit shit. Curse this hot weather.' I cover the bruises again and go out.

"Let's go." I told my mom in a rush. I did not want him to see me.

I basically dragged my mom out of there, but i did not want to be anywhere near Asher. 'I'm sorry mom.' I say.

"Tell me why you and that boy looked at each other like you both wanted to kill each other." My head goes down and i just shrug and get in the car.

The whole car ride home was silent. When we arrive to the house, I give my mom a hug and kiss her on the cheek. "Thank you for today, i had fun." She smiled and nodded.

I head upstairs and changed into shorts and a sports bra. My pencil glides on the paper. What i am drawing? I have no idea. My imaginitation is let wild.

After a while, my drawing is finished. It's an eyeball with a forest inside.

There was a knock on my door.

"Open it." I say. Mom walks through the door. "Dinner is ready." She says softly. "Okay."

She sits on my bed. "Your drawing...what is the meaning behind it?" "Um, if i am being completely honest..i have no idea. I just decided to let my imagination run wild." I said with a small chuckle.

Her eyes held worry. "Mom, I'm okay." She just nodded. "Ready to eat?" She asks. "Yeah."

Dinner has been awkward. It was silent the whole time. Weird. We shared small glances, but that was it.


I'm in bed thinking of what I should do since tomorrow is Sunday. Ask V to hang? Nah she will nag me about the stupid party. Go to the mall? Already have today.

After a long while of thinking, I finally decide what I will be doing tomorrow. Then sleep takes over.



Oh no Asher saw that Anastasia might have bruises on her!

Hey guys! Hope yall enjoyed the chapter<3
If there are any mistakes please kindly comment, i will fix them.

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