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Anastasia woke up to her mom screaming she is late. She quickly got dressed and did the usual makeup. And ran out the door.

(her fit)

"no no no" she says in worry

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"no no no" she says in worry.

Anastasias POV:

When I arrived I hurried to my 1st period.

"Hi, I am so sorry I am late!" embarrassment filled my voice. "You're never late Ana so I am going to let this pass." Mr.Jump says. "Thank you." I sighed in relief and head to my seat.

Nothing happened that period but Violet kept saying something about a party. I normally never go to parties unless it is like a birthday or something. They're not my type of scene.

"Come on Ana, just one party pleaseee." Jeeslz this girl can't ever take no for an answer.

"V, you know I don't do parties." "I know but please just come to this one, for me? Anastasia next Friday is the biggest party of the year, you have to go!"

She just kept rambling on about how I should go. "I will think about it." I was annoyed at this point. "You said that last time, and before last time, and the time before last time, and the time before-"

"OKAY FINE." I said to satisfy her. She smiled and started jumping up and down.

Looks like I have plans next Friday.


Classes are boring as usual. It is now lunchtime. Me and V did not want the school food today because it was this weird lasagna stuff.

We went to In-n-Out. Yum. I just get fries and V gets half of the menu.

We take our food and eat in my car. We see a matte black Lamborghini. My jaw drops. When we see Asher get out of the car with a group of boys, My jaw drop to the floor.

"I adore his car," I say while staring at his car.  "Girl, he is from a rich family I am not surprised one bit that he has that car." V says in amusement. "Hm. We should get going, give me your trash so I can throw it away." V gives me her trash and I head back inside. I throw the trash away. When I turn around I bump into someone.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," embarrassment clear in my voice. "Hey, it's okay, sorry I didn't watch where I was going." I look up to see a very fit teenage boy.

I look around and see Asher and the rest of his friends staring at me. "Nate leave little miss perfect alone." Asher says laughing. "I'll go, sorry for bumping into you." I say while walking away. "Wait what is your name?" Nate asks. "Anastasia," I say quickly.


"Ready to go?" V asks when I get in the car. I smile and nod. "What took you so long?" "I had to use the bathroom." "Oh okay."

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