ch 4

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Asher's POV ( surprise! )-

Last night was beyond shitty. Tracy and John would not shut up about my grades. Failing doesn't matter. College gets you nowhere. I think school is pointless. I mean, half the shit they teach you, you don't even need to learn.

"Asher you better get your grades up or else-"

"Jesus Christ, shut the hell up Tracy." They always say or else but nothing else happens. I just get my keys and walk my ass out the door. My little sister Abigail is already sitting in my car.

When I walk in the car and she just giggles at me. "What are you laughing about Munchie?" I say rubbing her head ruining her hair. Munchie is Abigial's nickname because she loves the word munchie. I have no clue why. "Ashy Ashy look I have fruit snacks!" She is a sucker for those.

"Want some?" she asks "You already know I do!" She places one in my mouth then rubs my head and ruins my hair. "Oh no you didn't!" she laughs and I pick her up and start tickling her. "ASHY IS THE TICKLE MONSTER AHHHHHHH!" I am 100% positive she is the only human in the world that makes me laugh.

After about 5 minutes of ruining each other's hair, I place Abi in her seat. "Ready for the best part?" Her eyes light up and nods her head so fast her head might fall off.

I start the car. "VROOM VROOM" She screams. She's in love with the car and the huge roar that comes with it. "Ready?" She put her arms out and pretends there is a steering wheel in response. I back out of the driveway and speed down the road. "WOOOOOO WE ARE THE FASTEST IN THE WORLD!"

I laugh and head to her school.

We arrive at her school. "Bye-bye Ashy!" She says before hugging and kissing my cheek. "Wait hold on." I fix her hair before she walks out because she really looks like a mess. "Okay, you're all fixed. Have a good day munchkins."

She rubs my hair and ruins it more, then runs out of the car while laughing her ass off. "Oh, you are so on Abigail," I shout at her. She just keeps laughing.

I shake my head and smile. That girl is definitely something.

When I arrive at my school no one is there. I walk in and I could have sworn I heard Meredith. I shake it off and walk to my locker. "Slut." yeah, that is definitely Mere. I wonder who got her panties in a bunch.

"Meredith stop please." A girl faintly said. The voice sounded familiar?

I slam my locker shut so Meredith knows someone is there. I heard them run off. I don't check to see who it was, I just walk the other way.

I walk to the classroom and see that no one is there. "Guess I won't be late today."

An idea slipped to my head and I draw all over Mr. Jump's board. Middle school type of crap but hey, it's funny.

After about 30 minutes, people start to walk in. I just sit there on my phone not caring about anyone in the room.

I could hear laughs at the random shit that was drawn on the board.

I see Meredith and her other two people come in and Mere smirks at me.

Mere is someone I do not like but she is fun to hook up with occasionally and she doesn't leave me alone.

That is when my attention is on a girl who is limping. There was a hoodie on her head so I couldn't see who is was.

I just shrug it off.

Class begins and I groan. The teacher glares at me and I give my signature smirk. He spent most of the period lecturing us to not write on his board.

My eyes start to wander around the room. I see Mere and her little minions snickering at someone. I trail my eyes to what they are laughing at. Then I realize who the limping girl is.

I see Anastasia got herself caught up with Meredith.

She sees me looking at her, then looks down. Weird.

The class is over and now is half the school's free period. Mine is during 5th and I hate it but I skip anyway.

I was walking down the hall next to the door outside. I hear the same voice telling Mere to stop. Mere can't ever catch a breath.

I slam on the locker hard enough for them to hear then no sound of the girl begging is left, which means Meredith and the others left.

But the voice sounded so familiar.

The day goes by and I am at a pizza place with Nate and the others.

When that ends, I pick Abi up. I decided to go to the cafe my mom used to take us. "Wow, this place never changed," I say as I walk in. I look around and take in the surroundings.

"How come I've never seen this place before?" Abi asks. "You have munchkins, but you were just a baby."

We get to the front counter and i ordered a chocolate muffin for Abi. We find a seat then sit. "Yummy!" I smile at her. "Your hair is still messy Ashy!" She giggles causing people to turn and look at her in awe.

In the middle of a conversation with abi see an all to familiar face. Anastasia. It looks like she is crying from something she sees on her laptop. "I need you here dad." Is all she says before she leaves.

What the hell. What happened to her dad?

I drive me and Abigail home. Abi wanted to watch Moana in my room so i let her. I have my arms around her while she is watching the tv screen. I stare at the ceiling wondering why Anastasia said what she said.

Do I care? I don't. I am just being nosy.

Eventually Abigail falls asleep. i kiss her on the cheek. "Good night munchkins." After, I let my mind go crazy till I doze off into the blackness.



Ana left Asher wondering! What do you think Asher will do if he finds out she is the familiar voice she is hearing?

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