ch 10

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I wake up to another 'no mom'.

Today is Thursday which means the party is tomorrow and everyone will be talking about it today.

Today school ends early, thank god.

I do my everyday morning routine then head out the door.

(her fit)

On the drive there I stop by Petite Cafe, of course

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On the drive there I stop by Petite Cafe, of course. I get 2 iced coffees and 2 chocolate muffins. I saw Nate with Violet. HOLY SHIT!

I plaster the biggest grin on my face and walk over to them. They look at me and turn red. "You guys are so cute!" I say slightly jumping.

"You hooked us up Ana, Violet is very much exquisite." He says. Violet turns into a cherry. I wink then walk into my car.

Awe man, I got 2 of each of the things I got.

One of both for V but she is already getting something. Who am I supposed to give these to?

I put the cups in the cup holders and the white bag with the muffins in the passenger seat.

When I pull up there is a crowd around 2 people. "What the hell?" I walk out and see almost everyone look at me. I take a sip of my coffee and walk to them.

As I am trying to push people away so I can see. I catch a glimpse of Asher and this other guy fighting.

Asher is literally going to kill him and no one is doing anything. I go to tell him to stop then-

All of a sudden someone grabs me. "Hey, sorry but if you went into that crazy fight, you would have gotten really hurt." I look up. It was a girl I have never seen before.

She had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, perfect lips, and a flawless body.

"Are you new? I have never seen you before?" She shook her head up and down. "Do you want a chocolate muffin and iced coffee?" She looks at me questioning. "I was supposed to give it to my best friend Violet but I couldn't.

Don't worry, i didn't put anything bad inside of them." She smiles "Yeah sure."

We head to my car and I give them to her. She is actually super cool and enjoys the same things as me. "Wanna go sit somewhere?" I ask. She smiled and nodded.

We sat under the tree I always sit at. "So what brings you to this odd town?" "My dad got a job in this town. He said he couldn't stand working in the town where my mom left us. And we thought a change would be nice."

"I'm sorry," I say. "also, consider me your first friend also," I said with a wink.

She laughed. "I never got your name?" I ask. "Its Loren."

I see Violet and her boy toy Nate pull up. "Let me introduce you to my best friend and her boyfriend." She laughs.

V and Nate see us walk towards us. "Hey guys, this is Loren and she is new." She waves, obviously a bit shy. "Hey, girl! I'm Violet and this is Nate." She smiles at Loren. "Hi, I'm Nate." They shake hands.

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