ch 6

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Anastasia's POV-

My morning was like every other morning. I look at all my bruises and it looks like most of them are fading away but the one on my neck and face are not, and they are the 2 I need to go the most. Life is nice, isn't it?

My limp is finally gone.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time. "Not bad," I say to myself.

I grab my keys and tell my mom bye then walk out the door. My plans today were at the river but before I drive there I took a quick selfie and posted it on Instagram.

 My plans today were at the river but before I drive there I took a quick selfie and posted it on Instagram

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I go to the grocery store first so I can buy some food before I go to the river.

I arrive at the river and walk down the trail.

"Nate, hi!" I exclaim. "Ana, what's up?" "Ah nothing but, I got the goods," I said pulling things out of the bags.

Nate grabs the KitKat so fast. "Whoa, looks like we are both suckers for KitKats."

"As you can see," He said with a slight blush. "I have an addiction." I let out a chuckle.

Yeah, Nate is my plan for today. he seemed pretty cool so I thought it would be fun to get to know him more.

We talked about the dumbest shit. "Wanna go for a swim?"

He asks. I look at him seeing if he was serious. Turns out he was because he started taking his clothes off.

Awe why the heck not? I proceed to strip my clothes off leaving me in only panties and a bra.

"WHOEVER IS LAST TO THE WATER BUYS THE WINNER A BOX OF PIZZA!" I yell. We both start running but I won.

"Awe man, do I really have to?" He asks. "Yes dumbass." I splash him with water. He mimics my moves. Soon enough we are both just splashing each other.

We are laying down in the water. "How did you find this place?" I was silent for a moment. I never talk to anyone about this.

Violet acts like she is walking on eggshells when it comes to this topic so I never talk about it. I need to talk about it to someone so I decided well I could talk to Nate about it.

"Well...when my Dad and my little brother, Ryder, died in a car accident last year, I was caught up in all the emotion and decided to just run until I couldn't anymore. When my legs gave out, it was in front of the trail that leads to this river. Me being the curious person I was, I decided to go down the trail. Ever since then, this place has become my favorite place."

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