ch 12

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It is lunch and so far today no one has talked about anything but the party, which by the way, I don't even want to go to but I promised Violet I would go.

Right now I am sitting at a lunch table with Violet, Nate, Asher, and the group of his friends. My elbow is on the table holding my head up because of how tired I am.

I'm picking at the mash potatoes with my spoon.

I get up and walk away. I am bored and want to read so I do so.

I go behind the school and sit on the grass with my back on a beautiful tree with white flowers. Realizing I forgot my book on the lunch table, I just sit there and take in the view.

Flowers and big trees surround the area, the water is flowing so smoothly and the small waterfall is the best part.

I get up and sit under another tree with white flowers but it's right in front of the water.

I put my hand in the water and play with it. I see Asher sit on another side of the tree. "Why did you leave the table?" He asks in his normal no emotion voice. "I was bored and wanted to read out here but.. I forgot my book at the lunch table." I say with a frown.

He holds up my book and says, "this one?" I nod my head happily and I try and grab it. He moved his hand so I couldn't. "Oh no, you didn't." He smirked.

So now I am chasing Asher trying to get my book but-

1, he is tall

2, a fast ass runner

3. impossible to catch

So I fall down dramatically and say, "I'm out of breath Asher, let me breathe." He laughs and falls down next to me.

I take a glance at him.

You aren't so bad.

I think to myself. I smile.

'Wait here.' he says.

Soon enough he is back with a different book in his hand.

My heart fell right out of my ass.

It was my drawing book.

'Don't worry, I didn't look through it.' I let out the biggest sigh.

'Would you like to?' He looks at me with questioned face. 'Yeah.' he said with a shrug.
I hand it to him and we leave.

We both walk in the school and eyes are glued onto us.

I think Asher realized I was uncomfortable when he said: "Stop staring." Loud enough for everyone to hear.

With that, no more eyes we're on us. My jaw about hit the floor when he got everyone to do that. He looks at me and laughs.

The mean and ruthless Asher that I know is a different person when he laughs.

We both head to class. "Don't you get to leave after this class?" I nod my head yeah. "Well, you are lucky as hell." He says pouting.

I almost died of laughter when a tough guy like him pouted.

When we walk in, everybody is to busy talking to notice us. The teacher is sleeping. We head to our normal seats.

"Hey!" Violet and Loren say in unison. I wave. "Loren where we're you at lunch?" I ask. "Oh, I went to my house to eat." I smile and nod.

Of course, the class was boring. Me and Asher exchange glances. All of a sudden I get a text.

Unknown- it's not over.

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