ch 14

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It has been 2 weeks since everything has happened. Loren is better, my mom has been seeing her new boyfriend, Violet has been with Nate so I haven't really hung out with her, and Asher and I have been getting along pretty well.

A couple of days ago Asher and I went to the beach and turns out he is a great listener. Problem is..I don't know much about him, we always talk about me and he is always helping me but I still know nothing about him.

Right now I am on Spring break which means no school for 2 weeks!

I'll thank the universe for that.

It's Monday and I have nothing to do and no one to hang out with so I decide on going on a walk around the city but first, iced coffee and breakfast.

I drive around to check out any new cafes in the area and after about 5 minutes of driving, I see one. It's a small brick cafe with black and white.

Talk about aesthetic.

Walking into a cafe was like walking into the happiest place on earth. Everyone in is was smiling and the employees were all laughing.

The inside was just as stunning as the outside but a bit better. There were plants, paintings, and decorative things to compliment the black and white theme. This is definitely going to become one of my favorite places.

I go up to the front counter and look at the menu. "Take your time!" The lady at the cash register said smiling.

She was a bit shorter than me but not by much, and her smile was contagious. "You know what, surprise me," I say with a smile on return.

I look around to find a place to sit and I see a small table in the corner with plants surrounding it and a big window right in front of it.

It is a table for 2 so I feel just a bit awkward because I'm alone. I was caught off guard by a very cute boy walking into the cafe. My jaw dropped. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, nice lips, and a pearly white smile.

The boy takes his order then finds a place to sit.

I look back down and just go on my phone. Don't want to seem like a creep. I hear someone get in the seat in front of me.

I slowly look up and my jaw drops to the floor this time. It's the boy.

I smile and do an awkward wave. "Hey. I saw you looking at me and you seemed pretty approachable." He says, and boy let me tell you his voice was PRETTY.

I smile and laugh a bit. "Thanks?" I say more like a question. He nods as a 'you're welcome' response.

The lady comes with our orders. "Thank you..?" I say. "It's Mia." "Well, thank you, Mia, you have a pretty name by the way!" She turns a bright shade of red. "Th-thank you." She smiles and walks away. "Well isn't she adorable." The guy says. "Very."

"Umm. I never got your name?" He looks at me. "It's Logan." I nod.

He looks at me expectantly and I raise an eyebrow. "And yours...?" He says slowly and sarcastically. I playful roll my eyes, "it's Anastasia." He looks at me and it appears that he is thinking about something.

"I'm going to call you. Hm.. " he slowly taps his finger on his sharp chin.

All of a sudden his face lights up. "I'm going to call you hazel!" I look at him dumbfounded. "Why hazel?" I take a sip out of my coffee. "It's your eye color, which by the way, you have very gorgeous eyes."

Oh God, I can feel my face heating up. I stopped the blush before it came.

After about an hour or so of sitting down and talking, I learned some interesting things about him. He and his family moved here from London, he loves vanilla ice cream, plays the piano, is basically rich and is moving to my school. In my opinion, he is very formal.

"Hey I am going on a walk around the city today and since I am going alone I was wondering if maybe you would want to-" "I would love to go." He cut me off and I give a smile whole receiving one.

I give a 20$ tip to Mia and I ask her for her phone number.

After exchanging numbers, Logan and I head out. I keep my car parked here since it's in the middle of the city and around everything.

The sun is hitting the area just right. I take a deep breath "you ready?" I ask him. "Ooh yeah." He says in a manly voice which causes me to burst out laughing.


We have been walking around for about 40 minutes and I swear we have visited almost every single store in New York City. "Oh please no more, I think I just might die." He says over dramatically and putting the back of his hand on his forehead, which again, causes me to laugh.

We both bought a few knick-knacks here and there. After just a while longer, it was time to head back. By now it was 6 pm.


"See you later, yeah?" Logan asks. I nod "Yeah." We exchange numbers and he gets into his driver's car.

My mom and I have good ass money but not THAT good.

My car is just 1 more block down to the cafe, so I start walking again. The sun is starting to go down and the lights are starting to fill the area. Today was a good day. I think of myself.

I was almost to my car when I spot Loren and Violet hanging out.

Gosh, way to leave me out. I shrug and kept walking.

In my car, I go in and drive. Home doesn't really seem fun right now so I take a trip to the mall.


I'm in the middle of shopping for new clothes when I see Asher. When he sees me look at him I smile and wave my usual wave. Weird thing is, he doesn't wave back or smile back. What the hell?

I shrug and continue looking around.

I continue shopping and found some really cute things which I will be so wearing back to school.


I am home now and I'm thinking of pulling an all-nighter.

Yeah, might as well do it.

I gather snacks and blankets and turn on my tv in my room. I binge-watch Riverdale all night.


Authors note!

What is going on? Why is everyone ignoring Ana?

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