ch 18

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Anastasia's POV-

Today I woke up and just wanted to stay in bed.

School is in a few days and I am not all that excited. My mom got a new job and works with the CEO of a big company and she is making so much money.

I am thinking of getting a job, to keep me occupied.

It's 2 in the afternoon and I am downright bored.

The weather is not the best today so the beach wasn't an option. Maybe I could go to the gym?

The gym is full of sweaty guys carrying heavyweights. Yeah sure there are a few girls here but they were kinda unnoticed. I took my jacket off and had my sports bra and leggings on. One guy whistles at me.

Rolling my eyes, I decide to pay for one of the personal rooms instead of work out in front of creepy guys.

The rooms were a little HUGE for 1 person but oh well.

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm weak, but I wouldn't say I'm strong either. Full-body workouts are a must. Going to the gym and exercising is not hard for me. It's a coping method quite honestly.

The gym was satisfactory. I spent 3 hours there, longer than usual.

Now I am heading to whole foods and getting some things for dinner.

I only eat healthy unless it's one of my cheat days. Today is not sad, so, I get a few vegetables and vegan noodles.

The last at the cashier appeared extremely miserable with a tad bit of sad. Because of that, I give her a 100$ dollar tip and the look on her eyes after warmed me.

It is my mon's money, not mine and I don't want it but she gives it to me anyway.

Others could use the money more than me.

The grocery bags were taking up my whole trunk. When I go to the store, I always ending up buying more than I need.

Its was 6 in the evening and I was nearly about to make dinner. I get all the ingredients out of the bags to begin the making.

Vegan pasta is one of my favorite dishes. Although, no one makes it better than my dad. I place the plates and silverware onto the table and put the pasta on 2 sets of plates.

The smell of it made me happy.

"Oh honey, thank you. Let's eat shall we?" My mom told me. "We shall."

She gave out a satisfactory "mmm." I laughed a bit. She seemed happy.

I'm in the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and hair, shaving. I accidentally cut myself with the razor. I roll my eyes in annoyance and keep going.

When I am done I dry off and change into sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Maybe I should go to the broken bridge? I nod my head.

I found that going to the broken bridge at night has become one of my favorite things to do.

I sat there admiring how beautiful the stars twinkled in the sky. Tonight was a full moon and it certainly lit up the dark.

I sigh. The night got colder as the time passes.

I don't want to do anything tomorrow.

After thinking about tomorrow, I wondered if Violet had forgotten my birthday. I mean, I did.

I didn't remember till now.

I thought about my birthday last year.

*** F L A S H B A CK ***

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