ch 11

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Asher's POV-

It is around 5 in the morning and I have been up all night reading.

I don't believe in the love that exists in the books but I like to imagine.

Silently, I put the book down and turn on the tv. I scroll through Netflix and see nothing good then shut the tv off. I sigh and look around for something to do.


I groan and get up. Might as well just just leave.

I throw on a decent outfit, do my hair, brush my teeth, then splash cold water on my face.

By the time I'm done, it's 6:56. What the hell? Since when did I take this long to get ready? I go wake up Abigail and make breakfast for her.

French toast and eggs, her favorite.

I hear her tiny footsteps walk downstairs. She was in a white t-shirt, light washed overalls, and her small white converse. I smile at her. "Well don't you look nice today, who is the boy?" She laughs. "ew boys have cooties, yucky."

I hand the plate over to her and she chows down on it. When she is done we get in the car and of course, she screams along with the loud engine.

We head to a gas station and I buy her some snacks for the day. "Thank you ashy." She smiles.

Then I dropped her off at her school.


I am now at school and I'm with my friends. Nate isn't here and I heard him and Violet are hitting it off.

Nate is more of the good guy in the group, he never fucks around with girls, never smokes, but he drinks occasionally.

I, on the other hand, does everything he doesn't. I drink, smoke, party, always get in fights and fuck around with girls.


There are 6 people in the group. Nate, Josh, Daniel, Zach, Jonah and me, Asher.

Everyone is talking about the stupid party tomorrow that I have no intention of going to.

"Anastasia is hot as fuck, I'd fuck her," Zach says. I shake my head in disgust with how they talk about girls. "Oh c'mon Ash, you have to agree. She is the hottest girl in our school."

I roll my eyes and look away. "I'm spiking her drink at the part tomorrow." He says.

I grab him by the collar. "No. No, you fucking won't." I growl. He just laughs. "If you want to do it, man, then okay, she is all yours. I'll find another girl." I feel my blood start to boil.

I punch him in the eye. That ticked him off. One punch after another.

2 minutes go by and the fight is still going on. More and more people kept crowding. I could have sworn I saw Anastasia too.


The great of the day goes by and I'm skipping class. Most people have a free period but mine is more towards the end of the day.

I was walking behind the school to look at the view.

Riverbank High was right next to a river. Many trees and flowers surrounded the place.

The river was in my sight till I got pulled in the opposite direction. I felt the body hit the ground and see Zach and a few more lowlifes surrounding me. I scoff.

"You really think beating the shit out of me will do anything? Yeah okay." He gives me a wicked grin.

He puts to fingers in the air and signals the rest to 'go' after me.

I am on the cement with about 3 to 4 guys on me. I'm used to this shit, it doesn't bother me. I just wait till they are done hitting me.

When they are done I struggle to get up but I do. I head back inside to clean myself up. For a free period, no one was around.

I see a girl reading I think. I head towards her. I shook my head seeing who it was.


"What are you doing?" I say sternly. She looks at me and her eyes are big for a second. She proceeds to think.

She is digging in her backpack for something. I see a first aid kit in her hand. Who the hell just carries those around.

Her hands motioned me to sit. I think for a split second then obey. Using a small wipe, she wipes the blood off.

"What happened to you?" She seemed worried. "Why do you care?" I say rudely. She takes a deep breath which makes me know she is trying to notsap back at me.

It's funny.

She tells me stuff like 'rest' and 'don't move so much' She then gets her things and walks away. I run my fingers through my hair.

I get up and jog to her. Before she opened her car I tugged on her arm and say, "Thank you." She looks shocked.

But saying nothing else, I walk in the other direction.


School is over and I'm in my bed with Abigail. It's around 11 pm. Abi is sleeping and I can't even shut my eyes.

What Zach said today pissed me off. It's one thing saying she is hot, but physically saying you would spike her drink?

Thinking about it makes me want to punch something. Instead of doing that I ball up my fists for a moment because Abi is in my arms. I slowly get up and place her on the bed, tuck her in, then kiss her on the forehead.

I put a white sweatshirt with grey sweats on. I put my Nike air force 1's on, get my keys then head out the door.

When I arrive at my location I see a girl there on her car. I chuckle seeing we are wearing the same thing. She is looking at me.

I hop out of my car and sit on top of it. The feeling that her eyes are on me is gone, so, I take that as a chance to look in her direction. Anastasia? Why the hell would she be here so late?

She slowly looks in my direction.

I can hear her gasp when she realizes it's me. She gives me a small smile along with one of her cheezy waves.

How can someone be so cheery?

I get down and get in my car. I was about to drive away when I see her frowning. She probably thinks I despise her. Her frown made me change my mind about leaving. I take a deep breath. "Fuck it," I say.

I drive to where she is and park my car in the parking space right beside her. I get back in my car. I see her small smile. I smile too but she doesn't see that.

She lies down on her back and looks up at the bright lights the sky is providing. I do the same.

We just lie there. Nothing said, no one interacting. Just laying there. Weird thing is, it's not awkward. The silence is comfortable. She gives off a good aura.

She stays for about an hour then leaves. It's 1 in the morning and I head home too. Before I do I saw a notebook in her parking spot. I pick it up and on the front says, Anastasia Smith. I put it inside my car and head home.

I crawl in bed and see Abi is still there. I scoot her over so she doesn't take up all the room. Then I lay down and drift off.


Authors Note

I hope y'all enjoyed this chap!! :)

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