ch 7

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Asher's POV-

I wake up on the floor with the memories of last night come flooding back. Quickly, I change, grab my keys, get a protein bar, then walk out the door.

First I drive to the cafe I saw Anastasia in, and order 2 chocolate muffins for Nate and Anastasia, Then head off to the hospital.

I see Nate already there. I walk over to him and give him the muffin. "Oh god, I love you, Asher Johnson." I laugh.

I saw Anastasia's mom walk in and I walk over to her. "Hi, I'm Asher." She got startled by my sudden introduction. "Ooh, gosh I'm so sorry, Hi I'm Anastasia's mom but you already knew that," she said with a slight laugh. Nate comes. "What happened last night Asher?" she asked.

Fuck I can't say its Meredith because I know no one wants their parents knowing this stuff. Nate and I shared a 'you tell her' look.

Nate is too scared so I had to.

"When we went to the movies last night she went to the restroom and random girls were hurting her." She looked down and tears filled her eyes.

"God, I knew she was hiding something"  She gives us a weak smile.

"Anastasia Smith." a doctor called. All of our heads turn and walk up to her. "She is awake but if you guys talk to her, do it one at a time so it doesn't overwhelm her. She is in room 106." They nod and started walking there.

I tell Nate I'm leaving and to not tell Anastasia I was ever there.

With a nod, he walks to her room.

Anastasia's POV-

I woke up the nurse checking on me. "You have been damaged pretty bad Anastasia. I will give you pain meds because shit like this hurts." I chuckled at her words. What a good doctor right?

She gives me pain meds and water. I down the pill and she leaves.

I sit here just thinking. Almost laughing at myself for getting into this mess.

The door opens revealing my mom. "Mom?" "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about what those girls did to you. I will find them and report them. Are you okay? How are you doing? Why did you hide this from me? I knew something was going on. Oh dear, you look terrible. Why didn't you-"

"MOM?" she stops rambling. "I'm okay," I said reassuringly.

We had a long talk about what happened last night but it seems someone switched the story. I am not mad, I mean, I am thankful for whoever changed it.

After my mom is done she goes out. "Love you mom," I say before she walks out. "Love you, baby, I'll be back tomorrow."

Right, when she walks out Nate walks in. "Oh thank God you are okay!" He says being overdramatic. I giggle. "Thank you for making up a story." He looks at me "Uh, that wasn't me." I give him a 'wtf' look. He told me not to worry about it.

I open the bag to see a chocolate muffin. I smile.

Shit, I have to tell Violet what happened. She is probably flipping the hell out! I don't know where my phone is and i have a needle in my arm.

I decide to just wait until tomorrow.

The nurse walks in "I got your food. I know it's not good but you have to eat Anastasia." I nod. I got carrots, peas, water, and my eyes look at the last one in awe. Chocolate. Pudding. "I see you like chocolate pudding." She laughs. "I'll sneak you some more."

She winks then walks out. I have no idea who she is but I love her to death already.

Soon enough she walks in with 3 little cups of chocolate pudding.

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