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Louis POV

He slams his car's door too loud but he doesn't care. He already late for one hour and a half to pick up his son. He never left Eric for that long before.

He enters the kindergarten building and runs through the hallway, loosening his necktie. He can't stop cursing himself.

He already asked Eleanor to pick up Eric from kindergarten but she just busy shopping with her friends. Louis lets out a heavy breath and sigh. She can even helps him for a small favor, yet she's having fun with her friends. Sometimes he wondered how can he chose her as his girlfriend at the first place.

He rushes to Eric's classroom and he suddenly feels calm when he sees the sight in front of him.

Harry is cradling Eric. The boy already fell asleep soundlessly in his arms. He can hear Harry sings 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' softly into Eric's ears, while he's patting the boy hair gently.

Louis' hearts filled with warmth and a kind of affection. Harry's softness with his curls and cute dimples, attracting Louis in so many ways. He smiles and walks towards them. Why can't Eleanor treats Eric like this? Maybe it is time to change everything.

Harry is so into cradling Eric that he doesn't realize Louis is there. Louis clears his throat to make Harry notices his presence.

Harry lifts up his head to see those beautiful blue eyes. His lips curves a smile immediately.

"Hey," Louis said.


"He's been crying for a while just now. He thought that you forget about him," Harry said, caressing Eric's cheeks.

Louis bends over to kiss Eric's forehead.

"I'm so sorry," Harry doesn't know if Louis said that to him or Eric.

He lifts the sleeping boy from Harry's hands.

"I'm sorry for making you wait with Eric and get you in trouble," Louis said while look into the boy's green eyes.

"No, it's not a problem at all. It's part of my job too. And you know I love kids. So don't worry," Harry said shyly.

"I can tell. I don't know how to thank you enough for looking after Eric,"

How about a kiss? Harry naughty mind thought.

"No you don't have to," he smiles like an idiot.

"Daddy?" A small voice startles both of them.

"Hello there my little prince. I'm so sorry for leaving you like this. Daddy got a last minute urgent meeting," Louis said and he kisses the boy's head.

The boy yawns and rubs his eyes with his knuckles.

"It's okay daddy, no worries, I have my beautiful teacher accompanied me," Eric said with his toothy grins.

Harry blushes. He looks down to his feet.

"Yes he is, so beautiful," Louis said in his low voice that he thought only can be heard by himself. He's staring at Harry like he is a whole delicious snack.

"You agree with me, daddy?"

Louis startles.

"Hmm? What is it little guy?"

"Do you agree with me that my teacher is pretty and beautiful?" Eric said.

Louis turns to face Harry as the boy blushes fiercely. Louis swear he wants to kiss the curly boy damn much, and who knows maybe he will get to fuck the boy roughly right here right now if they were alone in the classroom.

"Daddy, I'm hungry. Can we go to eat?"

Louis startles and he shakes his head to clear his wild thoughts.

"I thought you're tired, little guy?"

"Not anymore, daddy,"

Louis smiles and he ruffles Eric's hair.

"Would you like to join us, Mr Styles?" Harry startles. He's not ready for this.

"Umm, I don't think—"

"Please Mr Styles? Come join us!" Eric said. He's wiggling in Louis' arms. "Daddy say the magic word!"

Louis raises his eyebrows.

"Right. Please?" He said and his eyes are pleading into Harry's.

Harry is blushing madly. Somehow he feels shivers listening to Louis' voice. He giggles and glances over Louis.

"O-okay. Let me lock the classroom first,"

"Yay!" Eric shouts happily. So do Louis. He lifts Eric high in the air.

Harry blushes even more.


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