✏️__t h i r t e e n

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Harry was standing in front of the closet mirror as he ruffled his curly hair. He was wearing just a simple white button up shirt and black skinny jeans.

His shirt was so thin that his nipples almost showing. But Harry doesn't mind that. That was what his point anyway. He wanted to look sexy in front of Louis. He sprayed his perfume and his phone was beeping.

'I'm here'

He got a simple text message from Louis and he glanced at the mirror one last time to check out his appearance. It just a dinner anyway, like a family dinner.

He grabbed his wallet on the nightstand and slipped his phone into his jeans then left his apartment.

He saw Louis' was waiting for him outside of his black Range Rovers as he walked out of his apartment. He approached Louis with a shy smile.

"Hello my favorite boy with my favorite dimples," Louis said as Harry walked towards him and gave Harry a soft peck on his cheeks. Louis needs to stand on his tip toe because Harry was wearing his fucking boots. Harry smiled and blushed.

"Shall we?" Louis opened the car door for Harry and he slipped into the car. Once Louis close the door, he turned around to wish Eric. But the backseat was empty. Harry frowned.

"Where's Eric?" Harry asked as Louis got into the car and started to drive.

"I sent him to my mother," Louis said while his eyes staring at the rear view mirror.

"Why? I thought we're going for dinner together?" Harry said confused.

"Because I just wanna be with you. Alone," Louis said, glancing over Harry.
The boy flustered and blushed .

"Let's assume this as our first date," Louis said casually. Harry gulped.

"D-date? No way, I should've dress up better. Look how nasty I am," Harry pouted, looking his shirt up and down.

"Hmm I can't find that word in my 'Dictionary of Describing Styles'. You're always beautiful and perfect in my eyes,"
Louis placed his smaller hand on Harry's thigh and squeezed it gently.

Harry has a tingly feeling inside of his stomach. His cheeks were red.

"Are you already hungry?" Louis asked.

"Not so hungry,"

"Good, because this gonna be a long drive,"

Harry eyes widened. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere," Louis smirked. The green eyed boy pouted. He doesn't like surprises.

The rest of the drive was never boring with Louis, they were chatting a lot, and sometimes Louis cracked some silly jokes that makes Harry laugh until he's tearing his eyes, and Louis always compliments Harry about his beautiful curls and dimples, which are really unnecessary. It takes almost one hour until they reached their destination.

"Lou, are we going to—" Harry startled when he saw a beautiful beach through the window.

"The beach?"

Louis smiled and nodded slowly and he can see Harry's eyes twinkled. He knows Harry is going to love this. He parked his car under the shady tree.

Harry's cheeks immediately greeted by a soft and cold breeze when he get out of the car. He took a few steps and leave Louis in his car. He smiled widely because the scenery was very bloody beautiful.

The sunset makes everything look pretty and lovely and should he say, more romantic. He took a moment to take a look around. There were not much people here. Only a few couples and a little family that's too far from them. This place was perfect for a date.

He suddenly feels a pair of hand wrapping around his waist from his back. Then he feels a soft kiss was pressed on his neck. Harry shivered.

"Come babe," Louis whispered softly. What? Come? Now? How? Harry frowned as he turned around to see Louis' face.

"I mean, come here, babe. What are you thinking on your pretty little head hmm?" Louis chuckled and playing with Harry's curls.

Harry was blushed madly because damn, his mind is so dirty.

Louis took Harry's hand and they walked together towards the tree. Harry mouth was wide open when he saw a mat already spread out under the tree. There was a bottle of wine with two glasses, a basket full of chocolate, fruits and drinks. And some food containers that Harry think are the takeaway of something.

Harry blushed. Did Louis plan all of this for him?

There was so many food in front of him. There's chicken wings, spring salad, and roast beef sandwiches. They also got a variety flavor of muffins in the basket.

"L-Louis, I, wow," Harry was speechless. Because he never experienced and treated anything like this before.

"Come sit, Harry," Louis pat a place beside him. Harry comes with his shy step and sit next to Louis.

Louis pour the wine into the glasses and passed it to Harry.

"Th-thank you,"

"Why are you so flustered, baby?" Louis asked, caressed Harry's cheeks with back of his hand.

"Nothing. This is just, too much for me," Harry smiled and looked down to his hands.

"This is nothing Harry. But it's okay, keep blushing. I love to see your rosy cheeks," Louis said before he take a sip of his wine while staring into Harry's eyes. Harry was a blushing mess.

He also sipping his wine and smiled. They enjoyed their meals with giggles and laughs under the cold breeze of the sea and sunset.

Sometimes Louis pinched Harry's cheeks, boop his nose and stroked Harry's curls gently. His eyes staring into Harry's lovingly, and Harry swears he was super comfortable around Louis. He can be himself, a goofy and clumsy one, but somehow Louis still complimented him over nothing.

And both of them are so into each other, lost in their little own world, that no one of them realize the night stars already appear above their head and the sun already say good night, ready to sail the dark sky.


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