2.3 prisoner zero has escaped

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incoming call from spiderboi
accept or decline?

"I have like five minutes before Aunt May kills me for letting her ferret escape, so I'll be fast."

(Tom looked like that video of a baby who stole their parent's phone and ran off.)

"hello, Thomas. I am well, thanks for asking. I did make it home safely. How are you?"

(somehow it seemed easier for her to be herself with him. though it had been so long since she had done that with someone that it felt foreign.)

"In a lot of trouble at the moment." his smile was adorable. "but I tried to talk to Amélia to sync our agendas so there was time to meet up..."

(the phone went from facing him to a random ceiling and Martina could be faintly heard chastising him. even fainter was Jake's borderline maniac laughter, no doubt recording the scene.)

"Hello, Marina?" Jake had picked her up, now letting the girl see how he reacted to the familiar scene. "I'm stealing you so I can discuss your presence on the opening night of my new play."

(GIVE ME BACK MY FRIEND! Tom yelled and now Jake was the crazy baby running while Martina laughed. Nina suddenly had the realization that her world had gotten a little brighter thanks to these people and she made a promise to take time to get to know them. marvel and broadway friends alike.)

"I'll give you my new assistant's number as soon as I have it and we'll arrange that."


(another flurry of movement had her back with the original caller, who now sported messy hair that looked extremely soft.)

"So I am not dead." Tom had this air of innocence about him that she admired. it was hopeless to try to avoid smiling.

"I am glad to hear that." the words were tinged with irony but genuine care could be seen in her eyes.

"and I also missed you, I know it hasn't been long but I kinda like you?"

(way to go buddy! it seemed their conversation was anything but private)

"I mean not like that, not yet at least, but you're nice and..."

(looking at Marina, all she expressed was a pleasant surprise as if talking to a child who said a fact she knew by heart. but one look and people would see the trembling hands just where the camera cut.)

"and this conversation just got very awkward very fast. I have to leave but I'll give you my assistant's number and we'll arrange something."

(I kinda forgot to update and then this chapter sucked. Now it sucks slightly less)

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