Cell Block

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The thick fog blanketed the entire bay now and the town. Only Fort Charles is visible above it, set against a black sky. The moon gave both Fort and the fog an eerie glow.

A mutt of a dog had a ring of keys in his mouth. Four seedy-looking prisoners tried to coax the dog to their cell door. One held a loop of rope; another waggled a bone. The dog just sat and cocked its head to the side.

The first prisoner called to the dog.
"Come here, boy... Come here, boy..."

The second prisoner whistled. "...Want a nice, juicy bone?"

In the adjoining cell, Jack reclined against the cell bars.  I, however was on the vertical end of them in the corner leaning against the wall.

Jack spoke to them slightly annoyed. "You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move."

The first prisoner spoke. "Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet!"

He went back to calling the dog "C'mon boy."

Jack tilted his hat down and smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Idiots."

He stared at me and raised a brow. I looked at him confused. "What?"

He shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, Luv."

I glared at him. "Nora."

He chuckled. I moved my arm and flinched, forgetting I had previously injured it. I growled and took out the dagger in between my breasts. I drew it from its sheath and I slowly tried to get the glass of my wound.

I got irritated and threw the dagger across the floor. Jack picked up the dagger and comes over to me. He makes eye contact and grabs my arm. "If I may?"

I shot him a glare. "Whatever."

He smirked. "Quite a temper you have there. Aye."

I rolled my eyes. He got the pieces out slowly. He got them all out and I sighed. He took the bandana off my wrist.

I looked at him as he bandaged my wound. He looked at me and I made eye contact. I looked away and huffed. "...Thanks."

He smiled. "No problem, Luv."

I glared at him. "It's Nora!"

He laughed. "So, adopted by the king huh?"

I sat there glowering at him as he continued to speak. "You must be the Raven of the Seas. The pirate who is favorite to the King of England and betrothed to Prince Ferdinand VI of Spain."

I looked away from him, and sadly gazed at the moon. "What of it?"

"Just call me curious..." He got up and walked to me. "Why runaway and become a pirate? Would you not pefer to live in luxury?"

I crossed my arms and looked at him. "No. I do not want Luxury. I do not want to be queen what I want is answers."

I held my emerald necklace and rubbed my thum across it. "I want answers about who I am and where I come from. That I cannot do while queen of a nation. I am not a tool to bear a child and play perfect wife."

He looked at me and touched my necklace. It started glowing for some reason. Our eyes widened and I took it off. He took away his hand and I grabbed it. I put the emerald in his hand and held it. It glowed brighter and i gasped. I backed away from him as it made a pattern and showed inscriptions on the ceiling. It was a map to somewhere.

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