Taking the Ship

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A group of soldiers march by as we are under the boat. The area is soon cleared. With the boat, we walk down to the water's edge

We walk in the water with Jack in front, me in the middle and Will in the back. The water is up water up to our waists, we are safe in the bubble of air beneath the boat hull

Will speaks to Jack. "This is either madness or brilliance."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's remarkable how often those two
traits coincide," Jack responded.

A trap filled with crabs rests on the sandy bottom, its buoy is line trailing up to the water's surface.

I laugh when Will gets his boot stuck in the crab trap is caught on Will's leg. Will tries to shake the crab trap free from his leg.

Will gives his leg another vicious shake, still failing to dislodge the trap, but jerking the buoy line.

Gillette supervises as sailors swab decks, mend sails, etc.

We all climb onto the Dauntless and jump over the rail. Jack brandishes his pistol, Will and I with our swords point them at Gillette and the sailors.

Jack spoke loudly. "Everybody stay calm. We're taking over the ship!"

Will point the sword up higher. "Aye! Avast!"

Jack gives him a look of disbelief. I hit Will in the back of the head with my sword handle. "Shut up."

The sailors look at us, then burst out laughing. Gillette steps forward. "This ship cannot be crewed by two
men. You'll never make it out of
the bay."

Jack points his pistol at Gillette's nose. "Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." He cocks the pistol and smiles. "Savvy?"

A couple sailors start to move forward, hands on swords, but Gillette holds up a hand. "Sir, I'll not see any of my men killed or wounded in this foolish enterprise."

Jack smiled. "Fine by me. We brought you a nice little boat, so you can all get back to shore, safe and sound."

Gillette gave a curt nod. "Agreed. You have the momentary advantage, sir. But I will see you smile from the yard arm sir."

Jack called to Will. "Will, short up the anchor, we've got ourselves a ship!"

I called to Gillette and his men. "A little help, please?"

Gillette looked at me in disbelief. "Your not serious?"

"It would be best, not get me angry, Gillette." I cautioned.

He looked to his men and motioned for them to help. We all went and put our weight on the windlass and it turns.

I looked at Will over my shoulder. "Do you even know what you are doing?"

He scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. "No."

I sighed, walked over to him and demonstrated how to pull the rope to the anchor. "Pull this large rope as the windlass is moving. This makes the anchor come up."

With the anchor up in place, we made way to sail.

I smiled and took my sword out backing them up to the front deck. "Time for you to go. Thank you."

They went to the boat and I smiled.

Jack leaned on the wheel, relaxed.

Will notices the Interceptor set sail. "Here they come!" He said.

Jack smiles. "Time to hide."

Will ran and hid somewhere.

I stood there looking confused. "Why?"

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