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A rope was thrown down and Jack grabbed it, with an arm around my waist. We were pulled and landed on our backs on deck. I giggled on top of him. "Hi."

The crew looked at me surprised. Gibbs walked to me and hugged me. "You aren't dead."

I got up and hugged him, shaking my head laughing. "Hehe, no."

I looked at Jack and he held his hand out to me. It was shaking and laced my fingers in his grinning. "Jack, I'm fine."

He grabbed me close and hugged me tightly. I could hardly breath, but I was not going to tell him that. My face started getting flushed. I realized we were in front of the whole crew. I stuttered a bit. "J-Jack, can you-"

I was silenced by him crashing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes enjoying every minute of it. It was a long, passionate, and eager driven one.

He broke away and I smirked quoting his phrase to a point. "Do you think it will worth between us?"

He chuckled. "Aye, and much more."

I laughed and saw Anamaria approach Jack. She pit his coat on him. "Captain Sparrow... the Black Pearl is yours."

Jack rubbed his hand on the wheel lovingly. I smiled and took his hat from Gibbs who was handing it to Jack.

I ran to the other end of the deck. I waved it at Jack tauntingly, and bragged. "I got a hat! I got a hat! You can't-" I fell and got back up. I continued taunting him. "Mine!"

The crew looked at me like I was barnacles. I laughed, ignoring it but my eyes widened when I saw him smirk and chase me. I laughed and ran around the main mast.

I went towards the bedroom and smiled. I hid behind a barrel in the hall and waited for him to come in. I saw him emerge from the door and smiled.

He saw me and I smiled. I hid the hat behind me. "I have nothing."

He checkled and grabbed me. "I disagree, Ember. Hand it over."

I smirked. "Convince me."

He grabbed me closer to him and smashed his lips on mine. I held onto the hat firmly, while he tried grabbing it. It became rougher and more greedy.

We somehow made way to the room, and the door was shut. I smiled amd undid my baldric and weapons. I put his hat on his head and smiled.

He stroked my leg, while kissing my neck. I moaned from pleasure and the tingling sensations coming to my spine. He pulled away making eye contact with me. I smiled. "That's good convincing."

He was silently asking me for permission. I kissed him hungrily and he responded more greedy than before. I stopped before it would go farther.

"Hehe." I smiled.

Not yet. He is not going to settle down. I know better.

I smiled at Jack. "Not yet, pirate."

I laughed and enjoyed my time with Jack for what it is now.

Nora Raven in Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now