Isla de Meurta

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We set sail and were hit with a storm later during the night. The crew worked hard to keep the Interceptor on course.

I stood on the quarter deck and held on to the rail. I shouted to Jack over the wind in my ears. I have a pwice of the Cortez Treasure!"

He looked at me with his eyes wide. "You, what!"

I smiled and shouted. "Everyone thinks there is eight hundred eighty two pieces, but there is in fact one more piece!"

"How do you know this?" He yelled.

"I have my sources!" I responded.

Gibbs came up to the quarterdeck amd yelled to Jack. "What's in your head that's put you in such a fine mood, Captain?"

Jack smiled. "We're catching up."

It's the late morning and the ship slipped through the sound-deadening fog. The crew became watchful and tense.

A shape emerged from the fog, huge, reaching the wreckage of a ship dashed on the reefs. One of many. A graveyard of ships that never returned from Isla de Muerta.

There is a sudden scrape, as the mast of a sunken ship hit the Interceptor. Jack is at the helm and I looked at Jack, smiling. "I think they are talking about how you escaped that island Jack. Which is by the help of rum runners. Am I Right?"

He stared at me, once again unable to beleive I knew it. "Where do you get your information, Luv?"

I chuckled. "I told you I have my sources."

I smirked at the crew who were spooked by the fog and tales that they have been told.

I tapped Jack's shoulder, winking and put my forefinger to my lips. "Watch this."

Je watched me, as I slowly crept behind Will and Gibbs. "Boo!"

I watched, as they jumped and fell over. I laughed and saw Jack smile.

He came down down to the main deck and talked to Gibbs. "Young Mr. Turner, Nora and I are to go ashore."

Gibbs stepped close to Jack. "Cap'n! What if the worst should happen?"

"Keep to the Code." He stated, simply.

Gibbs nodded in agreement. "Aye, the code."

Before we parted I looked at Gibbs, grabbing his hand "Gibbs." I took the Cortez medallion from my belt pocket and put it in his palm.

I smiled sadly thinking about the worst thing to happen. "If the worst happens and I do not return, keep this for me please?"

He looked and his eyes grew big, but nodded. "Aye."

I smiled. "Thank you."

We parted from the crew and entered the small boat. I sat in the back, while Will sat across from me with Jack rowing at the front.

We entered the tunnel which is illuminateded by a lantern on a pole, held by Will.

Jack rows, back to Will. To one side, Will and I spotted a skeleton, faced-down and half buried in the sand, with its rib cage partially stove in, a sword stuck in its back. A crab clicks its claws in the light, as we drifted past it.

Will looked around and asked. "What code is Gibbs to keep to, if the worst should happen?"

"Pirates' code. Any man who falls behind is left behind."

Will sighed. "No heroes amongst thieves, eh?"

Jack You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one. He was intentionally goading to Will. "Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga..."

Suddenly, several small bright circles appeared on the cave walls and roof, and then dozens more. They're everywhere. Will glanced down, beneath the water, thousands of coins reflected light onto the cave walls. Jack looked at the coins. "and you’re completely obsessed with treasure."

We passed through, approached the landing area where the pirates' boats are moored.

Will pulls the boat ashore; and we all hop out.

"That's not true. I am not obsessed with treasure." Will said, sternly.

Jack leaded up a short rise. He looked at Will. "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."

We climbed to a cave opening, and beyond it there was Elizabeth, being shoved to the top of the central treasure pile by two pirates, where Barbossa waits beside the stone chest at the top. Pirates surround the scene.

Barbossa shouted to his men. "Gentlemen, the time has come! Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near an end."

Will spotted her and tried to go in a hurry.  I pulled his ear, and whispered causiously to him. "What the blazes do you think you're doing? Trying to get us killed!"

He huffed and I pinched his ear. He winced from the pain.

Jack agreed. "Not yet! We wait for the opportune moment."

As Jack left the cave opening, I followed while will hesitated. We go back near the boats. Will stops him. "When’s that? When it’s of greatest profit to you?"

"Will, shut up." I warned.

Jack grew irritated. "May I ask you something? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Do us a favor, I know it’s difficult for you but please, stay here… and try not to do anything...stupid."

Jack moved away, and around the cave wall. Will moved up behind Jack. Jack's eyes go wide, he turned, rolled to defend himself, but too late. Will brought an oar down across Jack's head. Jack slumped to the ground.

I looked at Will in disbelief. "Will! What did you do that for?" I got worried, as I saw Jack unconscious.

Will sighed. "I'm not going to be his leverage."

I stood up, went up to him, and slapped him across the face. He looked at me shocked. "I made him promise not to let you die! He keeps his promises!"

I pointed to Elizabeth and spoke through my teeth. "Just go get her, please?"

I picked up Jacks head and put it on my lap. I pat his cheek trying to wake him up. When that didn't work, I slapped him.

His eyes shot open and I sighed in relief. He looked at me and smiled. "Hello, Luv."

I laughed, happy he was okay. "Hi!"

I heard the clicks of pistols behind us and in front. We both stood up and grabbed the oar Will hit him with. I looked and spotted Barbossa.

One of the pirates was surprised to see Jack. "Your supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?" Jack remarked, sarcastically

I slapped myself in the forehead. "Really, Jack?"

He started to think. "Perlerley... Pereleyloo. Parlene.Parsnip. Parsley. Part... partner, partner..."

Another pirate corrected him. "Parlay?"

He nodded and pointed to him. "That's the one! Parley! Parley!"

I aim their weapons at me and I smiled. "Parley."

The one that didn't lower his weapon looked annoyed."'Parley!' Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up 'parley'."

I rolled my eyes. Jack and I spoke in unison. "That would be the French."

We both looked at each other for a moment.

Jack leaned on the oar, I smiled as the the pirates eyed us. I took out my sword and smiled. "If you want to fight, I will."

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