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Barbossa and Jack continued their swordfight. Barbossa drove Jack to the ground. Barbossa dropped his sword, stuck out his chest.

"You can't beat me, Jack." Jack thrusted his sword into Barbossa.

It had no effect. Barbossa looked up, sighed, then removed the sword, and drove the sword into Jack's chest. Jack stared down at the sword jutting from his chest.

He staggered, taking a few steps backyard into the moonlight and have became a skeleton. "That's interesting."

Skeletal Jack looked at his hands. In one is an Aztec coin. Jack turned to Barbossa. "Couldn't resist, mate."

I giggled and pulled Barbossa's hair. I jumped on his head causing a snap to be heard. I pulled the sword out Jack's chest and smiled. "Its a good thing he aint alone then." I went to Barbossa and truck him. Barbossa grabbed some coins, threw them at Jack and I, as we took up our swords, and rushed him.

All of us are in the moonlight now, two skeletons in pitched battle. Will was bussy with Jacoby. Jack kicked Barbossa to the ground. He rolled downward, getting up in time to find Jack upon him. I grabbed his face and gave him a little peck. "Good job, Luv."

I heard an explosion and we all looked at Will. Jack and I attacked Barbossa, as he fell on a gold pile. "So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals, locked in an epic battle 'til Judgment Day and trumpets sound? Hmmm?" He asks.

I smirked at Barbossa. "Or you could surrender." Jack and I both spoke in unison and smiled at each other.

We both struck him and I saw him push me to the ground. I fell amd looked at him. I scraped my arm and looked to see a pirate had struck.

I stood up amd went back to back with him. I grinned. "You'll get rewarded for that later!"

He struck Barbossa and knocked him down. I did the same to the other. He grabbed my waist. "I'll take ye reward now."

I was caught by surprise as he pulled me close and crashed his lips on mine. It was a rough, but gentle one.

I broke it, to see Elizabeth wacking a pirate with a long gaffe. I laughed and she must have heard me because she smiled at me and waved.

I waved back and jack was pumched in the face by Barbossa. I scrunched and watched as Jack ran, flailing his srms like an idiot.

I shook my head smiling. I saw an explosion we turned. I watched Elizabeth and will trap the pirates on the gaffe. I took a bomb from my pocket and lit it.

"Will!" I shouted, and threw it to see him catch it.

He tuffed it in Jacoby's ribcage and pushed the gaft back with Elizabeth. Will grabbed Elizabeth and dove away from the explosion.

I smiled and ran to Will. I sliced his hand and yanked the medallion from his neck. I made sure it had blood on it. I grabbed my cutlass amd sliced the palm of my hand holding my medallion. I ran to the chest and caught the medallion Jack threw to me. I dropped all three of them in it.

Barbossa noticed my movement on the other side of the cave. He broke off the fight and pulled his pistol. Aimed it at me and shot. Jacks eyes widened and another shot echoed in the cavern.

Barbossa looks surprised, turns to Jack. He couldn't believe it. Jack, pistol raised and aimed, still smoking, has shot him.

I saw jack had an expression of resentment and anger in his eyes, before I collapsed to the ground.

"Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot?" He smiled.

Elizabeth screamed hysterically. "No! Ember!"

Will was glowering at Barbossa. "He didn't waste it."

Blood poured through my wound as Jack came over to me.

He held me on his lap and I coughed up blood. I saw Elizabeth in tears and will looking at my sympathetic. Jack held me tight and I smiled weakly at him. "I am fine. I can see my mother."

Jack hushed me. "Dont speak, Ember."

I took my necklace and gave it to Jack. "This is the Cortés family stone. Take care of it please."

He held my hand tightly and I smiled. My vision went black. Little did I know it was only the beginning.

Nora Raven in Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now