Prepare for a Fight

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Jack leaned on the oar, the pirates eyed him.

They parted, and Barbossa stepped out to see what they've found. He stared at us.

Barbossa did not look to happy , as he asked Jack "How the blazes did you get off that island?"

Jack smirked saying, "When you marooned me on that God-forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow."

Barbossa looked. "Ah, well, I won’t be making that mistake again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow! Kill him."

He turns away. One of the pirates happily grabbed his pistol, and aimed it at him.

Jack spoke to him when he turned. "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?"

Barbossa snapped back around and stared at Jack. "Hold your fire."
Barbossa glares at Jack, working it through and then he's certain that Jack knows. "You know whose blood we need."

Jack smiled. "I know whose blood you need." Barbossa clenched his jaw. It was clear that he hated Jack.

I looked at Barbossa and glared. He looked at me curious. "Whats your name, woman?"

I refused to answer him. I was slapped across the face by a black pirate. "Answer the Captain!"

I looked Barbossa dead in the eyes. "I will not."

He raised his brow at me. "Kill her."

I smirked. "You will remained cursed after Will's blood."

Barbossa held his hand up. Hold your fire!"

I laughed. "You think you have all the pieces of the treasure don't you?"

He looked at me unsure of what to believe. "You say there is another piece?"

I nodded. "I am a descendent of Hernán Cortés himself.j"

He looked at me. "Very well, what do you want for it."

I smiled. "Jack is to be unharmed and go free. I am not to be killed along with Will."

He smirked. "Agreed. Now hand it over."

I laughed. "You think I am daft enough to bring it with me! No. I have someone holding onto it for me."

He glared at me.

I got to a small boat and rowed to the Interceptor. I kelt rowing and was spotted by a crew member.

I smiled and climbed up it. I looked for Elizabeth, and spotted her. I ran and hugged her. "You scared me!"

She hugged me back. I looked at Gibbs and smiled. "Gibbs."

He took out the medallion and handed it to me. "Welcome back, Lass."

"Thanks." I grinned.

Elizabeth looked at me in disbelief. I sighed. I climbed on top of a Barrel and yelled. "Everyone, listen! I have something to tell you all!"

They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I continued, showing them the medallion. "I am a descendent of  Hernán Cortés. There is a peice that was meant to be forever lost. Barbossa plans to attack. Let's get ready and show them what this crew can do!"

The crew yelled at the same time. "Aye!"

I smiled and jumped down. I saw the Black Pearl and the crew rushed about.

I pushed aside Annamaria. "Move!"

She moved and I grabbed the helm moving the ship out of the way. I smiled as I turned and saw the ship behind us.

I got the ship where I wanted it and yelled for Annamaria. "Anna! Come keep it at this route! It will help!"

Nora Raven in Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now