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In Tortuga, we moved through the crowd of pirates, privateers, prostitutes, theives, and drunkards on the dank dirty port.

Some livestock ran around free; a donkey, chickens, etc. It is far less civilized than Port Royal.

Jack gave us the introduction of Tortuga. "Tortuga. More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga , savvy? What do you think?"

Will made a face of disgust. "It'll linger."

I raised my brow. "...It's interesting."

He continued. "I'll tell you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted."

A red-headed woman in a maroon dress comes over to Jack. He looked happy to see her. "Scarlett!" She slapped him. "Not sure I deserved that."

I stiffled a laugh.

A blonde woman in a pale yellow embroided dress looks at Jack angry. Jack is happy to see this one also. "Giselle!"

Here comes another slap. I thought.

She looked back at Scarlet and then to Jack. "Who was she?!"

He looked at her unsure for a moment. "What?" I laughed. "I may have deserved that."

I smiled at Jack. "After that entertainment, I am going to get rum. See you at the tavern."

I left them to go to the tavern. I helped myself to six bottles of rum. I sat at a table and laughed. "Who wants a drinking match?" Several dirty and haggard men who were already drunk approached me.

This is going to be fun.

I had drink after drink and a man bumped into me, knocking me to the floor.  "Scoundrell!"

I took my sword and stuck him fast amd stopped right in front of his face. "Watch what you are doing next time."

I noticed Jack sitting at a table with a stocky man. I looked closer and saw it was Gibbs.

I ran past the drunkards and hugged him. "Gibbs!"

He was surprised, but laughed. "Nora! How have you been, lass?"

I let go of him and sat on the table and swung my legs. "Oh you know, the usual. Irritating Norrington, getting arrested, being pardoned several times for being the kings favorite."

Jack cleared his throat and I looked at him. He went to say something and I went back to chatting with Gibbs. "What have you been up too? Waiting for Jack to return from being marooned on am island."

He shook his head. "Aye, and I see yer keeping up on knowing everything ye possibly can 'bout people."

I grinned. "Of course! I love the rush and adventure. You should know this!"

I heard some angry men call my name and smiled. "Time for me to go!"

I started running and Gibbs yelled to me. "Make sure you have an adventure!"

I waved at him and shouted. "Always!"

I ran to the port and hid behind a bridge. They ran past and I ran to the square.

I laughed as the men ran to me with swords drawn. Drawing my sword, I swung and kicked one in the gut. I bent down when another struck at me.

He hit another one with his sword and I smiled. I put my sword in my belt and laughed. I bent down and swept my leg under them both, causing them to fall.

Nora Raven in Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now