End of Captain Barbossa

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I smiled and rolled my eyes. I went down to the Bilge. I was in the crows nest watching as we arrived at Isla de Muerta. The crew came with Will tied up and I glared at th ones coming for me.

I laughed, as I took a rope to the sail and swung around on it. I jumped onto the mast and kicked a pirate off that was chasing me. "Barbossa call your men off! Blazes, we have an agreement, I am not to be touched."

He glared at me and yelled. "Aye! Men leave her be!"

The pirate group moves deeper into the caves. Will moved along unwillingly.

Twigg looked at Will sarcastically. "No reason to fret. It's just a prick of the finger and a few drops of blood.

Pintel stopped walking. "Turner blood doesn't flow pure in his veins." He grinned. "Best play it safe, and spill it all."

I rolled ny eyes. "I will not help imbeciles."

Twigg laughed. "I guess there is a reason to fret."

Lit by the lights of torches we made our way to the chest, past the piles of treasure.

Will was put over the chest with a dagger up to his kneck. I struggled against the filthy hands of pirates holding me back. "Barbossa! Ma' mantienes a tratos. Culo ardiente u laaj yaantal ti' le profundidades oscuras profundas u ak'bal na sofocante utia'al u kuxtal!"

I elbowed the pirates holding me. I heard someone pushing through the crowd. I saw Jack, huge smile plastered on my face, I laughed.

He hit the two pirates holding me in the head. He grabbed me by the waist and held me to him. "Someone got you mad."

I took his hat and put it on my head. "Yep."

Will looked at Jack. "Where's Elizabeth?!"

Jack looked, moving his arms lazily. "She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised." He sighed. "And you get to die for her, just like you promised...So we're all men of our word really, except for Elizabeth, who is in fact...a woman."

I slapped him across the face. "I am a woman you know."

Pirates surrounded Jack and I. Barbossa pointed the knife at him. "Shut up! You're next!"

I drew my sword at Barbossa, as he said that. "Over my dead body he is!"

Barbossa put the blade to Will's neck again. "You don't want to be doing that, mate." Jack cautioned.

Barbossa glances back at him. "No, I really think I do." Jack shrugged. "Your funeral."

Barbossa presses the blade to Will's throat and I could tell he really wanted to do it. He whirled back around on Jack.

Barbossa sighed. "Why don't I want to do it?"

"Well, because..." Jack shrugged away from the pirates. He stepped forward closer to Barbossa. "Because the H.M.S. Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just off shore, waiting for you." He warned.

Barbossa hesitated and the pirates reacted with gasps. Barbossa listened, as Jack argued his case. "Just hear me out, mate. You order your men to row out to the Dauntless, they do what they do best" The pirates all smiled most likely thinking about pillaging, torturing and killing. I rolled my eyes.

"Robert's your uncle, Fannie's your aunt, there you are with two ships. The makings of your very own fleet. Of course, you'll take the grandest as your flagship, and who's to argue? But what of the Pearl?"Jack smiled and spread his hands pointing towards the men. As he talks, he strolls toward Will and the chest.

Jack continued to talk. "Name me Captain. I'll sail under your colors, I'll give you ten percent of me plunder, and you get to introduce yourself as 'Commodore Barbossa.' Savvy?"

Barbossa loolked at Will real fast then back at Jack. "And I suppose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp? "

JACK No, no no, not at all. By all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse... Jack looked at Will in the eyes. "Until the opportune moment."

Will was scowling at Jack, as he heard that phrase before. Barbossa looked from Jack to Will suspiciously.

Jack smirked as he Jack scoopped up some of the Aztec coins.

"After you've killed Norrington's men..." He dropped the coins into the chest, punctuating his words. "Every... Last... One."

Will and I noticed Jack palmed one of the Aztec coins. Barbossa gave the proposal some thought.

Will glared. "You've been planning this from the beginning. Ever since you learned my name."

Jack looked at him. "Yeah."

Barbossa started to agree. "I want fifty per cent of your plunder."



"Twenty-five. I'll buy you the hat. A really big one, Commodore."

Barbossa smiled. "We have an accord."

He and Jack approached one another... and shook hands. Jack turned toward the pirates, said in grand fashion: "All hands -- to the boats!"

Barbossa shot him a glare.

Jack apologized off Barbossa's look. "Apologies, you give the orders.v

He indicated 'Please, go ahead.' Barbossa stepped forward as Jack grinned, knowing that Barbossa was going to repeat what he said

Barbossa looked at his crew, "Gents -- take a walk!" Jack's grin vanished. He must have been planning something.

"Not to the boats?" Barbossa's turn to grin as the pirates leave the cavern.

I smiled as I smild at Jack. I ran and embraced him. Jack put his arms around me. He turned around and examined the pirate treasure; Barbossa fixed him with an appraising look. "I must admit, Jack: I thought I had you figured. But turns out, you're a hard man to predict." He stated.

Jack shook his head at the accusation. "Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly! It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."

Jack moved near a pirate examining some of the treasure. In one quick move, Jack pulled the sword from the pirate's scabbard, kicked him into the water and flipped the sword up; to Will.

Despite Will's surprise, he caught it in his hands bound. I ran and knocked the pirate guarding him into the water. I laughed at them and and ran to Barbossa.

Jack pulls out his own sword. Barbossa looked from Jack to Will, not quite registering what is taking place. He scrambled to his feet, pulled out his sword.

Jack and Barbossa squared off; Jacoby slashed at Will, who turned and parried so that his hands were freed by the cut. The other two pirates attacked him.

Jack and Barbossa dueled furiously; They cross swords and come face to face.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters!" Barbossa sneered.

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