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I saw Elizabeth try move the main mast of the ship. The mast was too much for her and she was grabbed. She screamed for Will and I got worried.

I sprinted and dove into the water. I swam down towards the hull of the ship, and where the ship was sinking. I swam to an opening in the hull, created by canons.

I found my way threw it and saw an air pocket. I swam up gasping for air. I got it back to normal and dove under again. I swam around seeing what I could go around to get to Will.

I saw Will and grabbed his hand. He tirned and saw me. I squeezed it. He tried motioning me to go above, and I visciously shook my head back and forth.

I looked at him.

I will not leave you Will! You are my best friend! I could never forgive myself!

He squeezed my hand back and we stayed there together. I saw somthing from the corner of my eye.

An opening!

I looked at will and pointed to the opening. He didn't understand, so I let him go and swam into it.

I grabbed his leg amd he saw me. I swam my way up to him and smiled. I hugged him tightly, then grabbed his hand and we swam out.

After we made it out the ship exploded. I was losing air and couldn't hold my breath any longer. Will saw me and grabbed my wast.

He started swimming faster and we broke to the surface of the water. We coughed from lack of air. We cought our breath and swam to Black Pearl.

I heard Elizabeth screaming and went faster. I stood on the railing and grabbed the knife in my breasts. I pointed it to my kneck.

I shouted. "Barbossa! Elizabeth goes free! Do as I say or you will be stuck with this curse forever!"

I looked and saw the crew. Jack was manacled and silently begging me not to do anything stupid. I winked at him.

Barbossa looked unconvincingly at me. I narrowed my eyes. "As the only Cortés descendent remaining you will be stuck like this forever, if I send myself to Davy Jones Locker."

He smirked. "Name your terms, woman."

"Elizabeth, Will, and Jack go free." I demanded.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, we got that. Anything else?"

I poimted to the crew. "The crew is to be unharmed. I am not to be in the Brig."

He smiled. "Agreed."

I put my dagger back where I kept it and looked at the pirate that hates the word 'Parlay'.

"One more thing." I smiled as I walked to said pirate. I looked him dead in the eyes and said. "Par-lay."

He growled at me amd went to swing. I dodged it and kicked the pistol out of his hand. I flew in the air and I caught it. I pointed it at him and laughed. "Bang."

I swung it around in circles and then gave it back to its owner. I laughed at this and everyone looked at me dumbfounded. "What?" I questioned.
"Make way for Isla de Muerta. Are you daft?"

Barbossa shook his head and nodded. "Aye."

Nora Raven in Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now