20. Bad Decisions

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The question I have been asking God for the last two week is "why?". Things would just be chill if Essence and Harmony would never run into each other, but nooooo that would be too easy on me. Ain't black people supposed to get along for Black History Month?!

Now, I haven't talk to Essence in almost a week and every other day Harmony is trying to hang out or go eat or anything that requires me to be with her. But since Essence has been ignoring me I've been at home and can't really say no. It was like she was making the situation way more than what it was. And not talking to Essence was killing me.

Prime example being today. Here I am headed to Harmony's house to go baby shopping, which she begged me to do. We haven't even talked about key details when it comes to co-parenting but she want to go shopping? Like why! Everyone just keep telling me to talk to her and set boundaries but they don't have to deal with the angry or crying pregnant lady, I do! Pulling up to her house, I let out a frustrated sigh sending her a text and getting out to open her door.

She came outside all happy with Destiny right behind her and Lucca following all in his phone. I laughed knowing he probably came over to get some ass and got sucked into shopping with her too. I closed the door for Harmony once she was in the car and shook up with Lucca. We all got in my car and headed to the outlet with only Destiny and Harmony talking. After twenty minutes we pulled up and all headed inside.

"Pharaoh let's go into Babyland" Harmony pulled me

I nodded and started walking. She interlocked her hand with mine and smiled at me before we walked inside. I waited a minute for her to look around before removed my hand and I said anything.

"Harm can we talk?"

"What's up"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah" she giggled "Why?"

"I mean I don't want you to take this the wrong way but you always want to hang out. Like we didn't kick it this much when we was fucking. What's up with that?"

"Wow" she looked shocked "I just wanted to hang out with you and spend some time together. I mean you hang out with your other friends don't you"


"Then what's the issue hanging out with me"

"I didn't say it was an issue" I sighed "I don't mind us shopping together and you know I'll always buy yall come food... it's just the hand holding and cuddling up...."

"Oh" she rolled her eyes "I should've known this was what it was about"

"What you mean?"

"You can tell your little girlfriend it aint that fucking deep! I'm an affectionate person! I just do that! We having a baby together Pharaoh! I shouldn't have to explain why I want to be near you! Shit sometimes I don't know why my damn self! But the minute she got a problem you coming at me!"

"I didn't---"

"You didn't have to say shit! Every time I see you with her and try to talk to you, she starts acting like a possessive bitch to me, and you just sit there and let her"

"That's not---"

"The UC! Your house!"

I paused thinking about the second time Harmony and Essence saw each other.


"Rao come on! I'm waiting at the car!" Essence yelled from the front door

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