Chapter One

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I was just finishing up at the café when I got a text from my brother. He was meant to be meeting someone for a date but had been stood up, and so I'd made sure to pick up his favourite chocolate eclairs before leaving. He'd really liked this guy, and was sure it was going somewhere, so I knew how much it would be hurting him that they hadn't shown up. I just hoped my treat would be enough to cheer him up.

I was making my way down the street, navigating my way across the city to meet him at the pub when I heard somebody shouting not too far away from me. I turned, to check that everyone was okay, when a cold hand wrapped around my upper arm. Heart beating so fast I was sure it was going to leap out my chest, I twisted around, but before I could see who was holding me, my vision went black.


~Third Persons POV~

"Um, Mr Stark?" Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were sitting in a room at the Avengers headquarters, finishing up the reports from their most recent mission. At the sound of a young voice ringing through the room, both lifted their heads up, looking towards the speaker.

"Kid? What's wrong?" Tony slowly stood up, as Steve paused his working, watching Tony intently.

"I... it might be nothing but the Hulk just ran past my building." Peter's voice sounded hesitant, but he was sure that it was definitely the Hulk he'd seen.

"What?!" Tony whipped his head around to eye Steve who had now stood up, shoving the paperwork into a messy pile on the table. "Kid, are you serious?"

Peter Parker, meanwhile, had pulled on his spider suit, and jumped out of his bedroom window, careful that nobody saw him. He'd made sure to keep a safe distance from the Hulk, following them from the rooftops. "Karen's recording."

"JARVIS?" Tony asked his AI, and less than a second later a video flashed onto a screen at the end of the room. The two men jumped over to it, Tony enlarging the image to watch the Hulk run wildly down a quiet road.

"Mr Stark, this may seem important." The English voice of JARVIS interrupted the string of swears Steve was whispering under his breath.

"What JARV?" Tony eyed the screen wearily as he waited for the reply, the Hulk on screen slowing, before its anger grew and they swung a punch towards the ground.

"Dr Banner is working in his lab." The two men fell silent, snapping their heads to face each other, before flinging the door open and sprinting in the direction of the labs.

"Um... Mr Stark?" Peters voice came from Tony's watch, as they continued running across the facility.

"Pete, don't make contact. It's not Banner."


"Bruce you need to see this." Tony panted, flicking a video to Bruce who walked over, lifting his glasses up to see closer.

His eyebrows furrowed as he leant closer, blinking "Who is that?"

"We don't know." Tony was now pacing, tugging his hands through his hair.

Peter's voice rung across the room yet again, "Mr Stark, I think this Hulk is lost."

Steve looked up, stepping towards the screen to focus on the video, "what do you mean?"

"I mean.... well I think they look scared." The three men exchanged confused looks before Bruce stepped forward, taking the lead.

"Tony get the Hulkbuster. I'll prepare the Hulk cell here." Tony gave a quick nod then ran out the room, shouting orders at JARVIS as he went.

Bruce ran a hand over his face, then turned to face Steve. "Go help him. Peter is still there, he might need a hand." Steve gave him a single nod then followed Tony, as Bruce hurried away to fix up his old Hulk cell.

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