Chapter 4

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[ beautiful dancing skills]

Jungkook pov
I left the bathroom after Lisa left and go to dance class I saw my friends bts arrived early
Then we saw a beautiful girl with light brown hair god she is so beautiful

Lisa pov
Me and the girls enter the dance room when we entered all the attention was on me
Boy 1:who is she
Girl 2: she is so beautiful
Lisa ignore the words  and sit beside blackpink and her brothers approached to her
Jin :Lisa
Taehyung:sis is that you
Lisa : yes it's me
All :Lisa it's you * shocked *
Rm: guys it's just two weeks she is the nerd Lisa but now my baby sis is back to herself
Lisa: thanks oppa
Jin : we're gonna go back to bts
Taehyung:Lisa show who you really are the main dancer and the lead rapper. Best of all the real you
Lisa : thank you oppa I will show it the real me
Dance teacher: so let's start with blackpink

Jungkook pov

While blackpink was dancing all were screaming
Boy: Jennie marry me
Taehyung glared the boy
They were a great dancers and has a smooth voice too
Girls: rośe unnie!
And it's was Lisa's part she is so beautiful and sexy than IU what am I thinking of her
---------time skip ---------------
Lisa pov
After the blackpink danced all of screamed while I was dancing Jungkook was staring me at the whole time I don't know my bully will stare me like that we'll he is so handsome wait what am I thinking
Bam bam :that was great Lisa drink some water
Lisa :thank you oppa
Lisa drink the water while Jungkook was glaring at bam bam
Dance teacher:now last bts now dance

It's was bts turn
I screamed like crazy because I was screaming for my brothers because while I was dancing they were screaming at me deep inside I was laughing
While they were dancing my brothers are having a serious faces so serious the girls were screaming the loudest was that IU cheering for her boyfriend my god
Lisa: GO OPPA !!!!!
My brother Taehyung winked at me he is so cute
We were singing until it was Jungkook parts he so handsome and so sexy my gosh what the hell am I thinking
I realize I was staring at him at the whole time . What is happening to me thinking about him
Time skip after dancing
I bought 4 bottles of water for my brothers and my cousin
Lisa approached to bts
Lisa : oppas here drink water I know your tired * cute saying *
Taehyung: aigooo your so cute * pinched Lisa's cheeks *
Jimin: thank you Lisa
All of them smiles at Lisa
Suga: you have a lucky sister
J-hope: I hope I have one like Lisa she is so sweet
Jin : where's Jungkook
Lisa and Jimin : with IU
Rm : and how did you know he is with IU
Lisa and Jimin: we just guess it
All : hahahahahaha
Blackpink and red velvet: what did we miss
Bts and Lisa : nothing

Lisa : excuse me for a minute
Jin : you may go sis

Phone call from Mom
Lisa : hello mom what do you need

Mom : Lisa get home early and tell your brothers too

Lisa : why mom

Mom: because we have a party at the house so all of our friends will be there and invite your friends and your brothers friends

Lisa : ok mom see you later bye

Call ended

Lisa enters to the dance room
Jin : who was that
Lisa : mom
Taehyung: why
Lisa : Mom said to get home early because we have a party at the house that includes our friends are invited to the party
Rm: why
Lisa: I don't know why are they will be having a party

Jungkook pov
When we finish our dance I got out to the dance class . IU was following me
IU : any plans for tonight
Jungkook: I don----

RING RING!!!!!!!
Jungkook :excuse me for a minute
IU nods

Jungkook : hello mom

Mom : son be ready for tonight

Jungkook: why

Mom : well son we are going to friends party

Jungkook: who's party

Mom : the Kim's

Jungkook: I will come as usual

Mom : wear something handsome ok bye

Called ended
IU:whose that babe
Jungkook: it's my mom we are going to a business party
IU: ok
Jungkook: I will just call you when you are asleep ok
IU :ok

Lisa pov
Lisa : oppa may we go
Her brothers nodded
Lisa : bye girls see you at the party
Girls : bye see you took
The Kim siblings go home for the party

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