Chapter 24

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[graduation day ]
Four days later

Lisa pov
Today is the day that we will finish the college life. We can be free no studies, no teachers that saying your always late for class.the day we graduate. Now me and Jungkook are getting ready.
Jungkook: jagiya are you ready
Lisa: no I'm just fixing my make up
By the way we are wearing a graduation clothes
Lisa: and done
Jungkook: now are you ready
Lisa: yes jagiya
Jungkook: you look good jagi
He peck my lips
Lisa: I know and you look more handsome
I peck back
Jungkook: let's go
Lisa : yeah

Time skip to after graduation ceremony at the university
Jungkook pov
Finally we all graduated.we even raised our caps in the sky .and the god IU was avoiding me.that is a relief for me . Our parents are very happy .we approached to our friends And saw our friends taking a picture
Jungkook and Lisa :yah you forgot us
They pouted
Jimin: come here you two maknaes
Jisoo: is everyone here
Taehyung,Namjoon and Jin: WAIT
They run to us
Jin: ok now we're here
Jisoo: ok one two three smile


Jin: that will be a memory
Yeri: yeah the day we graduate
Jimin: the day where we finished it
Lisa: yeah I have great memories in this university
Jungkook: me too
Suga : yeah we have fun memories
Lisa: like how I met Jungkook
Then Jungkook smiled
Lisa: how Jungkook poured milk , bully me with IU
Jungkook's smile faded
Lisa:and lastly I have fun to be a fake nerd And I be back to my real self
Jungkook: jagi sorry about that
Lisa: I already accepted your apology Jungkook that why I say yes to you
All: awww
Then our parents approached to us and our friends parents too they talked to each other while us the Jeon family and the Kim family
Lm: congrats honey
She hugs Lisa
Lisa: thanks mom
Somi: congrats oppa
Jungkook: thank you Somi
Jm: so tomorrow is the the day are you excited
Lisa: yes
Jungkook: me I'm very excited for tomorrow
He smiled at me
Lisa: aww kookie is excited for tomorrow you so cute
Lisa pinched his cheeks
Jungkook: but your more cuter
He pinched her cheeks
Jd: ok love birds did you pack your clothes for the hotel
Liskook: yeah
Jin: should we get going
Namjoon: yeah dad and mom
Taehyung: let's eat at the hotel
Ld:ok let's go

Time skip to the hotel

Lisa pov
We have just arrived at the hotel well Jungkook was carrying our luggage. But it take it to the room . Taehyung oppa wants to eat to celebrate that we graduate. So sad that red velvet ,blackpink and the other member of bts is not here but they said they will be here after dinner. Because tomorrow is a special day for me and Jungkook.we are walking to te restaurant at the hotel.note this hotel is luxurious but I always getting use to it
Lisa: dad I want to eat
Dad: patience honey
Jungkook: jagi are really hungry
Lisa: well of course jagi its dinner I can't take it
Then our order comes
Taehyung: finally
Mrs Jeon: eat up

After dinner
Still Lisa's pov
We just finished eating our was delicious . Now we are at the counter getting our key card . That girl is staring my Jungkook. Jungkook was talking with his sister because come on they didn't talk for weeks
Lisa: miss is he handsome
Girl: yes he's handsome and so dreamy if I can just get his number and name
Lisa: to bad you can't
Girl: why
Lisa: well he doesn't girls like you
Girl: what
Lisa:well he is getting married to someone
Girl: who I want to see that girl and she is lucky
Lisa: actually that someone and that girl is standing in front of you
Her jaw dropped
Jungkook: jagiya what took you so long to get our key card
Lisa: jagiya this girl is still cheeking out
Girl: sir and ma'am here are your key cards
She gave to Jungkook but I took it
Lisa: thank you
I walked away while Jungkook is holding my hand
Mrs Jeon: honey you and Jungkook will be separating rooms
Jungkook: WHAT
Mr Jeon: lower your voice
Jungkook: but why no one will be my pillow to cuddle
She hug Lisa's waist
Lisa: jagi just one night . You can handle it
Jungkook: wae do we have to separate room
Mom: because it will be in one room there will girls and the other will be the boy while this two key card is for your parents
Jungkook: ugh fine but just this once

To the hotel room
I'm still alone in the hotel room . This hotel room is really big . But someone knock the door
???: Lisa were here
I opened the door and it was them my unnies . They come to the living room
Seulgi: sorry if we took so long
Irene: traffic and having dinner with family sorry
Lisa: it's ok unnies you can take your luggage at your rooms
A few minutes later
They wear there pajamas . Now I am just watching tv someone knocked the door
Lisa: come in
It was them
Joy: can we sleep here
Jennie: yeah since your getting married tomorrow
Lisa: sure it's a king size bed so technically yes so come here
They layed at my bed and started closing there eyes
Lisa: sleeping already
Rośe : why not we need to wake up early
Lisa: ok
They all sleep together while cuddling

Jungkook pov
I can't sleep . Can't cuddle my jagiya. I close my eyes tried to sleep

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