Chapter 20

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[ family dinner]
Lisa pov
We have just arrived at our house. I am so tired today . Later my family and Jungkook's family are having a dinner tonight. Now I am laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. And then I feel the presence of Jungkook
Jungkook: I am so tired
She hugs Lisa
Lisa: me too
Jungkook: babe what time should we go to the restaurant
Lisa: maybe 6:00 the dinner is at 7:00
Jungkook: good tough.
Lisa: i hope there is no traffic
Jungkook: I hope so too because I am the one who is driving
Lisa: whatever I am taking a shower now
Lisa stands up going to the bathroom to take a shower while Jungkook open the television to watch Netflix . After a few minutes Lisa got out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe which make Jungkook looked at her
Jungkook: wearing a bathrobe huh
Jungkook smirk
Lisa: isn't it obvious Jungkook
Jungkook stands up
Lisa's thoughts: is he walking towards.or is he gonna pin me to the wall
Lisa: are taking a shower now
Jungkook: yep , what do you even think. Pin you to the wall well babe not this time if you want I can pin you the wall right now
Lisa: um no thanks
Lisa walks to the closet because she is blushing and kind of smiling .
After a few minutes they are ready to go but Lisa is still at the closet
Jungkook is still waiting for Lisa come out . Note he is already suited
Lisa: WHAT
Lisa: WAIT
Jungkook waited patiently for Lisa . After a few minutes Lisa came out looked like this

Jungkook looked at Lisa which made them a eye contact

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Jungkook looked at Lisa which made them a eye contact. Jungkook just stared at Lisa
Lisa: so how do I look kookie
No response
Lisa: ugh earth to Jungkook
She snapped her hand
Jungkook: what what huh
Lisa chuckles
Lisa: I said how do I look
Jungkook: you look gorgeous babe
Lisa: thanks you looked handsome too

 Jungkook just stared at Lisa Lisa: so how do I look kookie No response Lisa: ugh earth to Jungkook She snapped her hand Jungkook: what what huh Lisa chuckles Lisa: I said how do I look Jungkook: you look gorgeous babe Lisa: thanks you looked hand...

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Lisa's thought: actually he is not handsome he actually looked so so hot but still handsome. Let's just call it handsome but hot
Jungkook: ready
Lisa: I am always ready
They both went to the garage and pick a car and they drove to the xxxx restaurant

Jm- Jungkook's mom , Jd- Jungkook's dad ,Lm: Lisa's-mom and last Ld- Lisa's dad
Time skip to the restaurant
Jungkook pov
Me and Lisa have just arrived at the restaurant . For all the time I realized I was holding her hand
???: mam sir what are there names
Lisa: Lalisa Kim and he is Jeon Jungkook
???: follow me mam and sir they are expecting the two of you
They saw there family chatting
Lisa:good evening everyone
Jungkook: good evening
Jm: oh my son and daughter in law you have arrived
Ld: take a sit
Somi : annyoung oppa
Jungkook: hi baby sis
Taehyung: whatsup up baby sis
Lisa: hello oppas
Jin: we thought the both of are busy doing something . You know the
Lisa and Jungkook widened they eyes
He said with a smirk and behind him Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin are smirking
Lisa: first of all its not what you think it is and second stop smirking oppa
Jin: oh really
Namjoon : are you sure about that
They are still smirking
Jungkook: its true . Its not what you think about if that your thinking about that we are doing that not yet
Lisa: Why yet
Jungkook: why you want to do that that they are all thinking about huh
Lisa just looked away because she is blushing
Somi: awww Lisa unnie is blushing
Jungkook: awww my baby blushing
Lisa: shut up Jungkook
Lm: oh what a beautiful ring Lisa
Lisa looked at her ring
Lisa: thank you eomma
Ld: what symbolize it
Jungkook: it's her engagement ring mr Kim
Ld,Lm,jm,jd: engagement ring
Lisa: sorry if we didn't say it
Jm: when did he propose sweetie
Lisa: yesterday
Jd: why didn't you tell you were going to propose son
Jungkook: it just pop out of my mind appa
Lm: how life with Jungkook honey
Lisa: actually it was great living with him
Jm: how about you Jungkook
Jungkook: my life is amazing
He smiled widely
Ld: anyway the reason we call a family dinner is about your wedding
Lisa: we know
Jm: next week you will but your wedding gown and your suit includes the bridesmaids and your groomsmen
Lm :the next day you will buy your ring and pick some flowers and talk to your interior designer
Lisa: great
Lm: that will be all now you may talk to your brothers and your cousin or your future sister in law Somi
Lisa : ok
They chit chat about what will happen at the wedding and there parents they talk about there business
They also eat dinner . After that they all go home

You are still mine Lalisa Kim. No one can take you from me .

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