Chapter 16

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[bora bora 3]
Lisa pov
I just woke up. I looked at the clock it was 7:50 am . Then I just lay on the bed because i have nothing to do yet . I glanced at Jungkook sleeping peacefully my god he is so perfect and handsome. I am so lucky to marry you . Wait what am I thinking erase erase. I just open my phone and took a picture of Jungkook quietly. Then he pulled me into a hug because I was sitting on the bed
Jungkook: and what do you think are you doing
Lisa: ugh, nothing (shutters)
Jungkook: then why are you taking picture of me when I am peacefully sleeping hmmm( teasing tone)
Lisa: ummmm. Let me go
Jungkook: n.o
Lisa: oh really
Jungkook: oh what are you gonna do
Lisa: you know I learned martial arts
Jungkook: I know and have learned it to
Lisa get Jungkook's arm and but Jungkook first get Lisa's arm and now there position is Jungkook is on the top of Lisa
Lisa: nice move ko-- Jungkook
Jungkook: just say my nickname its kind of cute though
Lisa: now please get off of me
Jungkook: still no
Lisa: yah let me g--
Lisa was cut by a passionate kiss by Jungkook
???: hey guy---
???:oh my god
Lisa and Jungkook stop kissing and they just stand and looked to that person
Lisa: Jimin and Taehyung oppa
Jungkook: what are you guys doing here
Taehyung: we are having breakfast
Jimin: first mind explain this
Jungkook: oh come on guys
Lisa: can you explain how you enter our room
Jimin: we have ways to open doors
Jungkook: whatever
Lisa: so let's eat breakfast
We go outside . We also bring our key card . A minute later we have arrived at the restaurant. And saw our friends . Then we just sit I was sitting between suga oppa and Jungkook as always.
Jennie: annyoung.
Yeri and suga : morning
Jungkook: morning
Jin:what took you so long to call Lisa and Jungkook.
Jimin and Taehyung smirk at us .
Taehyung: because li--
I stand up and run to my brother
Lisa: shut up
Taehyung: mmmhmmm
Jimin: because Jungkook
Lisa: say or you will regret it chim
. Lisa gave a fierce look that made Jimin shut his mouth
Lisa: good
Rośe: your scary
Lisa: because that what I am unnie
Lisa walks to her sit
Lisa: let's start
Jungkook: ok what's the menu
Jisoo : pancakes,bacon,eggs and orange juice
Jungkook: sounds delicious
Seulgi: what are we waiting for let's eat
They dig in to eat breakfast

Time skip after breakfast
Jungkook pov
We just finished eating breakfast it was soooo delicious but not as Lisa's menu .
Jin: I am so full
All: me too
Lisa:what do we do now
Suga: sleep
Jungkook: sleepyhead
Suga: shut the f!ck up maknae
Jennie : lets swim or walk at beach
Lisa: that's a good idea.
Yeri: we should go back to the room
Joy: and change our clothes
Jimin: see you at the beach or swimming pool
They go to there rooms and change .


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Inside of it is the swimming suit

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Inside of it is the swimming suit

We go outside
Lisa: now where are they
Jungkook: they at there  at the second door there
Lisa: they said at the beach
Jungkook: what ever
We walked to our we friends
Jin : nice outfit Lisa
Taehyung: are you wearing a bikini
Namjoon smacked Taehyung's head
Namjoon:why are you asking her that question of course she is
Jin smacked Namjoon's head
Jin: shut up
Lisa: yes I am wearing it
Jin: WHAT!!!!
Lisa: why oppa
Jin: many boys will look at you especially that boy beside you
I looked at the boy beside me
Lisa: Jungkook why him
Jungkook: that okay if I looked at your body right *smirked*
Namjoon,Jin, and Taehyung: come here kookie
Jungkook: SH!T
Jungkook and Lisa's brothers run to catch Jungkook
Jisoo: your lucky
Jennie: yeah
Yeri: I wish I have three brothers
Lisa: you mean three overprotective brothers
Yeri : yep
Jimin came out of no where
Jimin: what happened here and where are the others
Lisa: well they  are catching Jungkook
Jimin: why
Rośe: its about Lisa's clothes he said it okay to look at Lisa's body
Jimin run to the Kim brothers to help them catch Jungkook
Lisa: ugh my life
After minutes of catching Jungkook they are tired then they approached to the girls
Lisa: finished ha
Jungkook: yep
Jin: next time I will not buy you banana milk
Jungkook: no hyungs I am sorry
Lisa: let's just go to the beach
They just walked to the beach
Lisa: woah the view is so beautiful
Jungkook: true it's a beautiful view
Looked to Lisa and stare at her . After seconds Lisa looked at Jungkook that make them eye contact
Jin: let's take a picture
Yeri: oh Lisa is a pro when it comes to photography
Suga: and Jungkook too
Jennie: you too are really destined at love
Wendy: true I mean look at you too making eye contact
Jungkook and Lisa looked at them
Lisa: let's just take pictures
Jungkook: camera is here
Lisa: great
Jungkook: hey Lisa looked there's a peacock
Lisa: where
She looked back then Jungkook take a picture of her
Jungkook: great
Jin: let me see

Taehyung: nice shot Joy: she looks so beautiful Jungkook: I need to go to the bathroom Jungkook goes to the bathroom ???: oppa That voice is so familiar it that IU Jungkook: IU IU: oppa come back to me Jungkook: never IU: what if this She took off...

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Taehyung: nice shot
Joy: she looks so beautiful
Jungkook: I need to go to the bathroom
Jungkook goes to the bathroom
???: oppa
That voice is so familiar it that IU
Jungkook: IU
IU: oppa come back to me
Jungkook: never
IU: what if this
She took off her bathrobe and saw her wearing a bikini
Jungkook: first the hell you doing and second yuck
IU: well
She was moving forward then Jungkook was walking backwards
IU: I will get you back
Then Lisa came out of no where and pulled IU's hair
Lisa : told you not to secure my fiancé or should I say my future husband bitch he is mine remember that if you seduce him nor touch him something will happen to you remember that
Lisa let go of IU's hair that made IU run.Lisa loose her temper but thankfully Jungkook was there to comfort her
Jungkook: calm down
Lisa: how would I freaking calm down if that I-
She was cut but a kiss from Jungkook after minutes of kissing they both pulled out
Lisa: thanks for that
Jungkook: lets go
They go to beach

To be continued

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