Chapter 29

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[ i want to have a baby]
Lisa pov
I wake up from my nap . Jungkook is not beside me . Maybe he wake up first. I go downstairs at the kitchen area and saw Jungkook eating some cookies with milk . His still baby
Lisa: Jungkook
He looked at me
Jungkook: yes jagiya
Lisa: why didn't you wait me to wake up
Jungkook: uhhh I was hungry
Lisa: ok so what do you want to do
Jungkook: eat ,sleep , swim
Lisa: eat you want to have breakfast honey
Jungkook: where here or at the restaurant near here
Lisa: I prefer restaurant come on let's go
Jungkook: wait I'm still finishing my milk and cookies jagiya
Lisa: you will finished that later come on let's go
I pulled him outside
Jungkook: my cookies
He whined and I ignored it I just pulled him to the restaurant

Time skip to the restaurant
Jungkook pov
Lisa pulled me to the restaurant but I want to eat more cookies and my milk this annoying wife but I still love her even she is annoying. Then the waitress approached to us to take our order
Waitress: good morning ma'am and sir may I take you order
She looked at me
Jungkook: can we have 2 grilled barbecue stake, and fried chicken and hash browns
Waitress: what will be the drinks
Jungkook: just water
Then the waitress went away and Lisa was glaring at her

Lisa pov
That waitress is looking at my husband . Is she going to seduce him I mean come on he is looking Jungkook while he was ordering .she just stared at him . I just glare at her when she went away. Then I didn't realize that Jungkook was looking at me suspiciously
Jungkook: is my wifey jealous
He smirked at me
Lisa: m-me jealous never tsk
Lisa don't shutter
Jungkook: why is my wifey shuttering when I ask her if she was jealous huh
Lisa: shut up Jeon Jungkook . Don't talk to me
I posted and I looked away
Jungkook: sorry pls look at me jagiya
Jungkook went closer to my face and peck my lip and he went to back to his seat
Lisa: ok I forgive you
Then our food arrived and we eat . Then one question came into my mind
Lisa: jagiya I have a question
Jungkook: what is it
Lisa: if we are going to have a baby what gender you want to be first
Jungkook just looked at me
Lisa: what I'm just asking
Jungkook: well if we have a baby the first gender will be a boy so he can protect his little sister
I choked to the little sister
Lisa: so your saying you will make me pregnant 2 times
Jungkook: yeah if you want . Why did you ask
Lisa: oh just planning the future
Jungkook: oh really
I pinched his cheek
Lisa: aigoo
Jungkook: jagiya wanna swim later after this
Lisa: I don't think so but I have a surprise at the bedroom later and I hope you will really love it
I smirk and Jungkook just look at me confused
Jungkook: surprise . What with that smirk
Lisa:nothing just finish your food

Time skip to the room
Jungkook: where's the surprise
Lisa: wait
I closed the curtains and locked the door
Jungkook: why are you locking the door
Lisa: well
I approached to him and put my and
Lisa:Jungkook I'm ready
Jungkook: for what
Lisa: to start a family
I pushed him and he fell on the bed and I kissed him roughly he respond
And you know what happened

Time skip after they did it
Lisa's pov
I woke up because I need to go to the bathroom and I sit up,but I can't because I can't walk his too rough. I was going to pick up my shirt but someone pulled me to lay at the bed again
Jungkook: let's stay like this for an hour
He hug me tightly
Lisa: ok
I fell asleep

After an hour
Lisa : jagiya
Jungkook: hmm
Lisa: jagiya help me pls
Jungkook sit up and he rub his eyes
Jungkook: am I that rough
He smiled at me
Lisa: yes now I can't walk properly
I pouted
Jungkook: hehe ok what do you need
Lisa: carry me to the bathroom
He carried me bridal style and he carry me to the bathroom
Jungkook: if you need anything shout my name
Lisa: ok oh bring my pajamas
Jungkook: ok

Don't forget to follow me
Happy new year

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