Chapter 14

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Jungkook pov
I just woke up from my sleep and I saw Lisa is still sleeping. She was really cute while sleeping. I was touching her chubby cheeks it was really cute.
Jungkook: Lisa wake up
Lisa : give me five more minutes
Jungkook: ugh fine . Nah sorry but you got to wake up
Jungkook lifted her into bridal style
Lisa: yah where are we going
Jungkook: you'll never know
They went downstairs and go to the pool then Jungkook jumped
Jungkook: your awake now
Lisa: F?CK YOU
Jungkook: just go to shower
Lisa walks upstairs with a towel
Jungkook: serves her right
Jungkook went upstairs to wait at the bathroom

Lisa pov
Me and Jungkook got wet because he jumped to the pool while carrying me he is such a dummy . I walked to our room still wet and I just go to the bathroom to shower
After I shower this is what I look like

 I walked to our room still wet and I just go to the bathroom to showerAfter I shower this is what I look like

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I walked out at the bathroom
Then see Jungkook using his phone. He looked at me up and down I realized he was staring at me so I just speak
Lisa: Jeon Jungkook to earth
Jungkook snap back to reality
Jungkook:what are you wearing
Lisa: uh , clothes duh?
Jungkook: its to revealing
Lisa: it's ok this comfortable
Jungkook: but it's uncomfortable for me
Lisa: why is it because the boys look at my body
Jungkook: yes and can you change
Lisa: I can't I am to lazy to change
Jungkook: fine you will wear that at the university but when I see boys looking at that precious body of yours good luck
Jungkook walks to the bathroom Lisa was dumbfounded
Lisa: what the heck is he thinking. Did something hit him to be like that overprotective to my body
.... nah
After minutes of waiting Jungkook walks out at the bathroom
Jungkook wears this

He wears pants and a black shoes Jungkook: let's go Lisa walks behind Jungkook but then Jungkook stop walking grabbed Lisa's hand

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He wears pants and a black shoes
Jungkook: let's go
Lisa walks behind Jungkook but then Jungkook stop walking grabbed Lisa's hand. Then go to the car he starts the engine. The ride was kind of silent.

Time skip to the university
They are inspired at the university walking to there friends while they were walking the boys were staring at Lisa's body . Jungkook was right they will stare at Lisa's body
Taehyung: what the hell are you wearing
Jin: your revealing your belly
Lisa: relax I have nothing to wear because my clothes are at laundry okay
Jungkook: oh really
Lisa:shut up
Jennie: by the way good morning
Seulgi: sorry if we didn't say we leave early hehe
Jungkook: it's ok last night was kind of fun
Lisa: and kind of in pain
Everyone look at Lisa
Suga: forget about her Lisa
Jimin: note Lisa Jungkook is your fiancé he is yours
Wendy: correct though
Jungkook smirks
Lisa: whatever
Jungkook: you still mad
Lisa: do I look like I am mad
Jin: Let's just go to class
They  walked to there class
Class started
Mrs lee: good morning class we have an announcement to day . Well since this is all your last year and all of are going to graduate. The university decided to go on the trip at bora bora tomorrow so what are you waiting for pack all your bags and now go class is dismissed
All: YEHEY !!'
Jungkook: well that was fast
They all go outside the class
Jennie: so any plans
All: shopping
Jennie: great idea though
Lisa : wait I really need to go to the bathroom I really really need to pee
Joy: I'll with you no thanks

Still Lisa's pov
I went to the girls bathroom I did my business . I was going to my friends then someone grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall . It was
Lisa: what the f!uck Jinyoung
Jinyoung just smirk at me
Jinyoung: cursing now my baby girl huh
Lisa: get of me Jinyoung
Jinyoung: never
Lisa: first of all I am not your girlfriend second I'm your ex lastly get off of me
Jinyoung: I told you never you are still mine like before
Lisa: your crazy
Jinyoung: for you
Lisa: OPPA!
Jinyoung: they will not hear yo-
He was cut by a punch by Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook: first of all don't touch my fiancé ( punch) second don't ever talk to her( punch) lastly get out of my sight
Jinyoung just run then Jungkook walks to Lisa
Jungkook: you okay
Lisa: I'm fine
Jungkook: told you to not to wear that
Jungkook take of his jacket and put it on Lisa's waist
Jungkook: much better let's go they are waiting at the limo
Lisa: what about the car
Jungkook: the driver will drive that to the house ok
Lisa: ok
They walk to the parking lot . And enter the limo
They were all seated except for Lisa
Lisa: yah where am I supposed to sit
Jungkook: here
Jungkook pointed his lap while smirking.
Lisa: can I just drive the car
Jungkook: nope
Taehyung: just sit on Jungkook's lap
Jin: just go on sit on the lap
Lisa : ugh fine
Lisa just sit on Jungkook's lap
Jungkook: well this is much better ( whisper while smirking)
Jungkook snake around Lisa's waist
Time skip to the mall
They are now inside the mall
J-hope: so where do we go first
Taehyung and Jennie: GUCCI
This two really love Gucci
Jisoo: then Gucci first
They all go to Gucci
Jungkook: now go shop
The girls pick beach clothes
Time skip after shopping
They also shop at channel, forever 21 ,Celine and H and M
Jungkook: well that was kind of tiring
All: agree
Lisa: we should go home we have a flight at 3am
All: ok
They all went home and sleep early

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