Chapter 33

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[ CEO and a blessing]
Two weeks later
Jungkook pov
We were eating lunch at a restaurant. Then someone called me
Lisa : who is it
Jungkook: dad may you excuse me jagi
Lisa: sure

Incoming call from
Son can you come at my office now
I don't know because me and Lisa are eating lunch here at a restaurant actually a date
Oh am I disturbing your date sorry
No, it's okay what were you saying
Come to my office I have something important to say to you
Ok can my wife come with me
Ok bye dad see you later

Lisa pov
This past few weeks I don't feel so good. I always crave for something which Jungkook makes me weird and I always run to the bathroom and vomit
In the morning. It's kind of weird. Or I'm pregnant no when did the last time we do it oh 3 days ago . But once he did not where protection. I should buy a test later
Then he came back to our table

Jungkook's pov

I came back to our table
Lisa: so what did your dad say
She said while munching her food
Jungkook: well he said that I need to go to the office because he had to say something important
Lisa: important ok then I'll go to the mall or the house since you said your going to the office
Jungkook : no your coming with me
Lisa: but I have important things to do
Jungkook: like sleeping eating watch Netflix
Lisa: no like shopping
Jungkook: just finish you food jagi and we will go to the office
Lisa just nod

Time skip to the JEON COMPANY
Lisa pov
We are at the office of Jungkook's dad . I wonder what dad will say to Jungkook
Secretary:mr and mrs Jeon . Mr Jeon said come in
We stand up and we entered the office and saw Jungkook's dad typing at his computer
Jk's dad: oh your both  here
Jungkook: yeah so what are you going to say dad
We sit at the chair in front of him
Jk's dad: so I know the both of you will be happy so I'm going to say is Jungkook your getting my position being a CEO of the Jeon company
Jungkook's dad was so happy when he say that Jungkook was going to be a CEO
Jungkook: really
Lisa: congrats jagiya
Jungkook: thank you dad so when am I going to start
Jk's dad: next week
Jungkook: great we should get going because this girl is hungry to buy some food and some things
Lisa: what the
I slap his chest
Lisa: shush sorry dad if your son is to annoying to say that to you so bye
Jk's dad : bye drive safely
We got outside while pulling Jungkook's hand
Lisa: hey that's embarrassing you say that I'm hungry and I'm going shopping
I pouted
Jungkook: hey it's like that's not true right
And we go to elevator
Lisa: well whatever so where are we going
Jungkook: your favorite place
Lisa: what kind of favorite place
The elevator opens and we got outside and go to the parking and we get inside the car
Jungkook: you'll  see jagiya so will be super happy
He smiled while saying that to me
I really don't understand him . Favorite place what is my favorite place

After 2 hours of driving
Jungkook pov
Finally we're here I hope she'll like this . I look at her . She was smiling I knew it this is her favorite place

Lisa: theme park how did you know this is my favorite place Jungkook: a little help from someone I smiled Lisa: lets go I want to ride all of this She was so excited like a 5 year old kid Jungkook: ok lets goWe got out of the car and go to entrance

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Lisa: theme park how did you know this is my favorite place
Jungkook: a little help from someone
I smiled
Lisa: lets go I want to ride all of this
She was so excited like a 5 year old kid
Jungkook: ok lets go
We got out of the car and go to entrance .
Lisa: we should go to the roller coaster
Jungkook: ok
A few minutes later
The roller coaster ride was fun but our hair is mess up because of the wind or the force
Jungkook: so what's next
Lisa: hmmmm
After a few hours
Still Jungkook's pov
I'm so tired . We ride all of the rides here and play some games . Oh I won a teddy bear for Lisa she was happy . We are just at the bench sitting and eating some food . She is really weird she wanted ice cream with cotton candy
Too sweet
Lisa: ok I'm done eating . We should go home I'll drive
She stands up,
Jungkook: no ill drive its my responsibility
Lisa: ok

Lisa pov
We were walking to go to the parking lot his arms was rest to my shoulder and I put my arm to his waist but suddenly i don't feel so good
I'm getting dizzy
Lisa: jagi I don't feel so good
I touch
Then I just black out

Jungkook pov
Lisa: jagi , I don't feel so good
Then she just fainted but I catch her before she hit on the ground
I shake her lightly this is not good . I carried her bridal style and get her in the car . At the passenger seat and I drive with full speed . I was so nervous nothing bad will happen to her then a few minutes we arrived at the  hospital
I saw a nurse
Jungkook: miss my wife pls help her
I lay her on the bed and she was sent at the emergency room

And don't forget to follow me
Oh by the way I have a new account it koooooookieeeeeee
I may have a same name but this is new account

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