Chapter 26

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[ first day of being married]
Lisa pov
I just woke up because the sun was hitting my eyes . I look at the clock it was 11:00 am . Gosh did I sleep that deep . Then I saw Jungkook beside me shirtless wait last night. I remembered what happened to us last night it's was amazing and fantastic. Jungkook was hugging me .
Lisa: jagi wake up
Jungkook: hmm 5 more minutes
Lisa: ok , I'm going to the bathroom
I was going to the bathroom but I can't get out of Jungkook's grip
Lisa: jagi I need to go to shower
Jungkook: let's stay like this
Lisa: fine
After a few minutes
Jungkook: jagiya
Lisa : hmm
Jungkook: last night was the best
Lisa: I know
She look at her ring
Lisa: I think I need to take a bath because I'm so hungry
Jungkook: ok wait you need help
Lisa: help for what
She stands up but she failed
Lisa: shit what happened to my legs .
Jungkook: I think I went too hard last night
Lisa: yeah help me
Jungkook put Lisa's arm on his shoulder . Carried her bridal style and went to the bathroom
Lisa: thanks you may go back
Jungkook: shout my name if you need me
Lisa: sure
Jungkook closed the door . By the way they are wearing clothes

After a few minutes lisa was finished taking a bath and wear her clothes and a little bit of make up and then Lisa looked to the mirror and
Jungkook rushed to the bathroom
Jungkook: what happened did you , are you hurt need something
Lisa: well Jungkook why did you make it this big and so many
She pointed at her hickeys
Jungkook: honey it's called love mark . You made this too jagiya
He pointed at his hickeys
Lisa: ok I'll just corver it with make up
Jungkook: ok

Jungkook went back to the room Lisa was fixing her make up
Lisa wears a yellow hoodie and rip jeans
Jungkook: your mom send me a message
Lisa: what does she said
Jungkook: she said they will come here
Lisa: they will visit us
Jungkook: yeah
Lisa: well jagi go to shower your stinky
Jungkook: yah I'm not stinky
Lisa: what ever just go to shower
Jungkook: fine
Jungkook went to the bath room and Lisa was just watching a movie
Jungkook: jagiya
Lisa : yes
He looks at Jungkook. She just gave a wide eyes . Jungkook was half naked .
Jungkook: like what you see
He smirks
Lisa covers her eyes .
Lisa: Jungkook wear some clothes
Jungkook: come on you gotta get use to it plus you all see it last night
Lisa: Jungkook just wear clothes
Jungkook: fine
Jungkook went to the closet and wears a black hoodie and rip jeans . Then he went out
Lisa: why are you copying me
Jungkook: it's not copying jagi it's called couple clothes
Lisa: were not even in the same color of the hoodie
Jungkook: then changed you hoodie
Lisa: if you said so
Lisa went to change her hoodie to black
Lisa: happy
Jungkook: so happy
He hug Lisa's waist and kiss her forehead
Jungkook: I love you so much Lisa
Lisa: I love you too

Jungkook: let's go down
Lisa: let's go
They went downstairs and then
Ding dong
Jungkook: I'll get it
Jungkook went to the main door and open it
Lisa:jagiya who was it
Jungkook: its them
They come to the living room
Lisa: good afternoon mom and dad
Mrs Jeon: good afternoon honey
She said with a smile and they sited
Lisa: so what brings you here
Mrs Kim: well we wanted to see if the newly weds
Mr Kim: so Lisa and Jungkook what happened last night
Jungkook: we slept early
Mr Jeon: oh really
Jungkook: were telling the truth dad we didn't do anything
Mrs Jeon: Jungkook what's that on your neck
Lisa thoughts: shit I forgot about Jungkook's hickey . Why didn't I cover it
Jungkook: uhm this is just a . I scratch it
Mr Jeon: if you scratch it why is it purple
Jungkook: I can't answer that sorry
Mr Kim : we should get going
Jungkook: ok thank you for visiting us
Mrs Jeon: take care bye
They all went out

Sorry if it's short next tie it will be longer
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