Chapter 37

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[ IU]Jungkook pov
( by the way at the graduation day IU was not there because she was at America to be a CEO)
I-IU . Why is she my business partner.fuck hell no .
IU: long time no see mr Jeon
She sit at the chair beside me . And she crossed her legs
Jungkook: why are you here
IU: duh I'm here for business. I'm lee Ji-eun . The ms lee
Oh I forgot her full name because this bitch is trying to broke my relationship with wife .

IU pov
I'm not here for business. I'm here for you my one and lovely Jungkook. I will make you mine again . Jeon Jungkook. Kim Lalisa watch out because you will be surprised what I do next .

Jungkook pov
Jungkook: can you talk about business now
I said coldly
IU: yes mr Jeon
She stands up and she started to discuss her offer for the company

Meanwhile Lisa pov
We were chatting at the garden area. I miss them so much . It was 4 pm I should go home before Jungkook is there .
Lisa: oppa I have to go home before Jungkook does
Taehyung: but why I want to spend time with my sister
He whined at her
Lisa: I will see you next time oppa it's not like I'm going at a far place at Korea
Jin: that's a fact though but I will still miss you
He hugged me
Namjoon: count me in
He joined the hug
Taehyung: yah don't forget me
He join the siblings group hug oh how I miss this after a few minutes they let go
Lisa: bye oppas see you next time
I kiss them on the cheek and I drive home

Time skip to home
I was inside at the house . I already cooked dinner. Well we have maids but I still cook for him because I want too for love . I cook kimchi fried rice Jungkook's favorite. I just sat on the couch at the living room and watched tv . I heard the door opened and it revealed my lovely husband Jungkook. I was happy to see him .
He saw me . He was giving me a bunny smile and he give me a peck on the lips and hug my waist then he sat down
Lisa: how's work jagiya
Jungkook: so stressful and tiring but whenever I see you my stress is always gone
He smiled
Lisa: awww so sweet
I pinched his cheeks
Jungkook: how about you how was you day
Lisa: well I visited at my house and saw my family
Jungkook: you didn't say that you were going there
Lisa: sorry forgot your permission , ow
Jungkook look at me
Jungkook: what's wrong are you hurt or something
Lisa: I'm fine this baby just kick mommy's tummy
I touched my tummy the baby was kicking then Jungkook touched my belly he feel it the baby's kick
He was smiling
Jungkook: baby is kicking can't wait to see her or him
He said while talking to my tummy
Lisa: Jungkook I think your hungry let's eat I cook your favorite kimchi fried rice
Jungkook: jinja let's eat
We go to the dining area and eat our dinner
Jungkook: jagiya I have to tell you something
Lisa: what is it
Then I drink the water
Jungkook: IU she's back
I chocked my water and Jungkook was patting my back
Lisa: what she's back . How did you knew
Jungkook: well she wants to be my business partner and
Lisa: and what you accepted it fuck you
Jungkook: chill don't be stress to much it will affect our child that your bringing
I calm down
Jungkook: I didn't accept it for the sake of our family
Lisa : that's great

Meanwhile IU's pov
I come home and I went to my room . I trow the pillow on the floor
IU: why did he not accept the project fucking shit
She started being crazy but she stopped and go to the other room
The room was full of Jungkook's pictures on the wall there pictures of their memories she touched that picture and stared at it
IU: don't worry I will get you back baby just wait Jeon Jungkook you will be soon be mine again

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