Chapter 18

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[bora bora unexpected]
Lisa pov
I just came back from the room . Now I am walking to the restaurant I see them chatting. When I approached to them I heard Jin oppa
Jin: good luck on my sister
Lisa: good luck on what
Jin: ugh
Namjoon: nothing
Taehyung: let's just eat
Lisa: weird ; whispers to herself
They just eat breakfast
After a few minutes later
Joy: argh I am so full
Suga: same
Jungkook: now what to do
Rośe: watch a movie
Lisa: good idea though
Jungkook: then which room
Jimin: your room
Jungkook: our room
Seulgi: yeah
Yeri: what's the matter
Lisa: nothing
Jimin:then let's go
Jungkook: key card pls
Lisa: nope I will open the door
Jungkook: if you said so
They walked to Lisa and Jungkook's room
Joy: nice room
Jungkook: come on joy it's the same
Yeri: on our rooom nope
Jungkook: so what to watch
Jimin: horror
Blackpink,red velvet and Jin: h-horror
Jungkook: I know your scared girls and Jin hyung
Jin: yah better be
Jungkook: don't worry girls you can hug us
Said with a smirk

Lisa pov
They decided to watch horror but they know girls are afraid of horror movies .
Jungkook: don't worry girls you can hug us
Really he is really pervert and he even smirk at me sh!t
The movie starts
A minute later a jump scare appeared . They all scream because of that I buried my face on Jungkook and hug him

After movies
It was lunch time . We called the room service to have food .
Joy: so what's the menu
Lisa: lobster , cooked meat , mushroom soup and some ice cream
Jisoo: sounds good and delicious
After lunch
Suga : we go back to our room guys and I am sleepy *yawn*
All: me too
Jungkook: guess we should sleep
Jimin: yeah
Jin: see you later I guess
Lisa: ok oppa bye

Jungkook pov
They are doing the plan actually it was a lie they are going to arrange the dinner. Good thing suga hyung is good at acting when he is sleepy
Lisa: Jungkook let's sleep
Jungkook : ok
I close my eyes then I checked at Lisa sleeping I know she is a deep sleeper so I will go outside carefully to check what going on the beach . After few minutes of walking I have arrived the beach the girls were picking some flowers and the boys was arranged the sit
Joy: is she asleep
Jungkook: yep
Jin: she will wake up at 5:00
Namjoon: she never changed
Taehyung: still a deep sleeper
Jungkook: you said so
Wendy: well lets start so game
All: game
They started arranging everything it took hours but it looks beautiful
Jungkook : thank you guys
Taehyung: good luck bro
Jin: we can take pictures though
Jisoo: good idea
Jennie: I bet she is awake
Jungkook: get her girls but put a blind fold too
Yeri: don't worry
Joy: we can do it

Lisa pov
I just woke up from my nap I looked at the clock it was 5:45. Wow I really slept long then I looked at my side . Jungkook was not beside me maybe he is at the shower no outside maybe. Then I stand up
Then someone knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it . It was my unnies
Lisa: annyoung unnies what brings you here
They get inside and then
Rośe: you just woke up huh
Lisa: yeah i just woke up and do you know where is Jungkook
Jennie: no actually
Yeri: I think they are playing at Jimin's room . Playing call of duty
Lisa: tsk
Jennie: you know what let's have a photo shoot
Lisa: but its getting dark unnie
Jennie: I don't care if it's dark let's have a photo shoot but first fix your make up
Lisa: ok
I finished fixing my make up then we started walking to the beach bet before we go to the beach
Jisoo: hey Lisa wear this
Lisa: why
Seulgi: just wear it Lisa
Lisa: if you said so
I put the blind fold
Lisa: unnie
Joy: shush
Lisa: what we doing
Yeri : secret
After a few minutes the girls gave a thumbs up to Jungkook and mouthed good luck Jungkook
Jennie: you can open your blind fold
Lisa takes of her blind fold 

 Playing call of duty Lisa: tsk Jennie: you know what let's have a photo shoot Lisa: but its getting dark unnie Jennie: I don't care if it's dark let's have a photo shoot but first fix your make up Lisa: ok I finished fixing my make up then we sta...

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Lisa: wow this is beautiful unnie
She looked at the back her unnies are not there
Lisa: unnies?
???: surprise
Lisa looked at that person
Lisa: Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook: yep
Lisa: what's this Jungkook
Jungkook: dinner
Lisa: oh
Lisa sited at her sit
Jungkook: um Lisa
Lisa: yeah
Jungkook: what do you want for dinner
Lisa: I don't know you order
Jungkook: then lets have barbecue
Lisa: sounds delicious
After dinner
Jungkook: um Lisa I have something to tell you
Jungkook stands up then hold Lisa's hand that make her stand up
Jungkook: Lisa
Jungkook leaned down or should I say sit . He get the ring at his pocket and open the case of the ring that make Lisa shook
Jungkook: Lisa , I may be your bully or your forced fiancé but I want to say I really love you since I saw from the start at the university that's why I bully you because I like you . I never expected that I love you from the start. I don't want you to divorce me after 3 months. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you and to our future family. Lisa will you marry me ?
Lisa: yes I will marry you Jungkook
A tears of joy dropped from her eyes . Jungkook put the ring on Lisa which is this

They hugged each other after a few minutes they pulled out the hug Lisa: I love you Jeon Jungkook Jungkook : I love you too Lalisa manoban Kim I mean to be Jeon Lalisa

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They hugged each other after a few minutes they pulled out the hug
Lisa: I love you Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook : I love you too Lalisa manoban Kim I mean to be Jeon Lalisa . I will promise I will never hurt you and I promise that I will love you until my last breath
Jungkook gave a passionate kiss to Lisa after 45 seconds of kissing they pulled out
Jungkook: guys you can out now
Jennie: we'll finally but congrats Jungkook and Lisa
Lisa: thanks unnie but where were you hiding
Suga: at the bushes
Jungkook: but did someone take a picture
Rośe: of course yes
Jimin: me
Lisa: oppa why are your eyes are red
Jimin: me nothing *sniffs*
Rośe: oh your cousin he cried when Jungkook was proposing
Jimin: hey I am not the one who cried too
Lisa looked at her brothers
Jin: don't look at me *sniff*
Taehyung: why you all  looking at me *sniff*
Namjoon: what
Lisa: why are all my brothers and cousin are crying
Jin: I am so so happy
Taehyung: Jungkook don't hurt her or you will regret it
Namjoon: if she comes home crying good luck
Jungkook: don't worry I will love her like you love her but much more
Jin: good
Lisa: you better do that kookie
Jungkook: finally you said my nickname baby girl
He give a smirk but Lisa smacked Jungkook playfully
Lisa: shut up
Joy: well group hug
They  make a group hug

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