Chapter 34

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[ pregnant]
Jungkook pov
We were waiting patiently for the doctor to come out I hope nothing happened bad . Oh our friends are here . Well Jin was walking back and forward. Taehyung and Namjoon hyung are leaning at the wall well the girls were sitting they were staring at the door while me I just keep calm because I know nothing bad will happen to her right . Then the doctor came out of the room smiling at me
Doctor: family relative of mrs Jeon
Jungkook, Taehyung,Jin and Namjoon: here
Doctor: who is the husband of mrs Jeon and the other can enter the room we have a private talk
They entered Lisa's room
Jungkook: me
Doctor: oh congrats she's 4 weeks pregnant . Again congrats
He left us . My whole world stop . I was standing LISA'S PREGNANT . Why can't I move . I have mix emotions I feel like I'm happy and like crying . I smiled widely . I entered Lisa's room and saw she was sleeping
Joy: what did the doctor say
Jin: and why are you smiling
Jungkook: guys she's 4 weeks pregnant
All of them were shock and then Lisa woke up
Lisa: who's pregnant
We looked at her and I approached to her
Jungkook: jagi well the doctor talk to me and he said your pregnant

Lisa pov
I woke up . And saw them
Jungkook: she's 4 weeks pregnant
Pregnant what
Lisa: who's pregnant
Jungkook: jagi well the doctor talk to me and he said your pregnant
I'm pregnant and I fell one tear fell . This is a blessing
Lisa: I'm pregnant
Jungkook: oh don't start crying jagi
He hugged me
Lisa: I'm just happy
Jungkook: me too this is our next chapter of our lives
He peck my lips
Jin: yes I'm gonna be an uncle
He was doing a victory dance
Taehyung: yehey baby sister is preggy
Jimin: well congrats you make my cousin pregnant
Blackpink and red velvet: yehey were gonna be aunts
Jin: and that we should buy dinner on me
Jungkook: is there a fast food store here
Lisa: oh oppa I want French fries with ice cream the vanilla favor and some flavored chips and som-
Jennie: wait girl easy your gonna eat that all
Lisa: yeah
Rośe: well this girl is craving
Joy: no flavored chips for you it's bad for the baby
Lisa: why I need chips
She whines and pouted
Jin: who will come with me
All( except liskook): me
Jin: ok you love birds we will go for now
They all left
Jungkook: I can't believe it we're gonna be parents
He smiled
Lisa: yeah
I smiled back
Jungkook: we should buy some things for the baby
Lisa: aye it's too early to buy that and our baby is just three weeks we don't even know what the gender is
Jungkook: your right but I'm just exited to be a dad
Lisa: I'm excited too but more responsibilities
Jungkook: it's ok we can do this together
He hold her hand

Time skip after 1 week

Lisa pov
Here I am all alone again. I miss my kookie. I'm miss Jungkook . He is working as a CEO now at the Jeon company.I was wondering I should visit him. Since I miss him . So I changed my clothes into this

 So I changed my clothes into this

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Then I go to the office

Time skip to the Jeon company
I arrived at the Jeon building . I went at the elevator and go to the 10th floor since he is a CEO . Then I walk to the CEO's office . But his secretary stop me
Jk's secretary: excuse me but do you have any meetings with mr Jeon
Oh looks like a new secretary. Oh she didn't know mrs Jeon . I'm so disgusted by her wearing thick make up , her outfit was too exposing. I see seducing to soon we'll not on my watch
Lisa: no but I want to see mr Jeon is he there
Jk's secretary: yes but only with meetings can come there
Oh this girl is burning me up .cool Down your pregnant
Lisa: what's your name
Ara: ara Kim ara
Lisa: well ara I was here to see my husband . I'm Jeon Lalisa by the way Jungkook's wife so get out of my way
She was shock that I was Jungkook's wife. Well I just open the door and saw Jungkook working. My gosh but his hot because his two buttons loosen up and he look at me . But he just smile
Lisa: surprised
Jungkook: jagi your here why didn't you text me that you were coming
Lisa:I just wanted to surprise you
I approached to him and give a kiss on his cheeks
Jungkook: just on the cheeks
He pouted
Lisa: you know your a CEO but your still cute
I pinched his cheeks

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