Chapter 13

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[singing ]
Jungkook pov
We were swimming with the girls well we are so much having fun . If I see her laugh it's like my heart melt even her cutest smile. After swimming he eat some barbecue.
Jungkook: ugh so yummy
Lisa: barbecue is the best so so yummy
Jin: well I grilled that
Jungkook: aye I help you
Taehyung: no your not your just star--
Jungkook use his right hand and covered Taehyung's mouth
Jungkook: don't even think about saying that in front of you sister ( whispered)
Taehyung  just nodded
Joy: aigoo
Seulgi: after this let's watch at your cinema
Lisa: sure
J-hope : I suggest horror
Kim siblings : h- horror
Jimin: cousin are still scared
Namjoon: no were not were just ugh never mind
Jungkook goes at the back of Lisa
Jungkook: BOO!!
Jungkook carried her bride style and jumped to the pool
Jungkook: oops
Jin: what kids
Jennie: they are because they are maknaes
Wendy: true
Yeri: hey I am a maknae
Seulgi: in red velvet
Jungkook: we are back
Jin: hey when is the wedding
Liskook: in 3 weeks
Jisoo: did you buy your wedding suits
Liskook: no
Jungkook: mom will call me when we will buy the wedding things
Lisa: let's not talk about the wedding
Jungkook: right
Jin: I imagine my sister walking at the church
Jisoo: yeah
Jungkook: anyway let's go to the mini cinema
They all go to the mini cinema
Jhope: let's watch horror then comedy
Lisa: ok find your sits
Jungkook: I will get snacks
He came back with popcorn , soda and chips
Lisa : let's start
This is the sitting in the cinema
Namjoon- seulgi- Jimin- rośe- suga
Jungkook- Lisa- Taehyung- Jennie- Jhope
Yeri- joy- Wendy- Jin- jisoo

Lisa's pov
While we are watching a horror movie . A jump scare came . Well I was standing then I accidentally sit on Jungkook's lap . I was going to my sit he stop me
Jungkook: don't go
Jungkook hug me tight
Lisa: just five minutes
Jimin: well am jealous
Taehyung me too
Jin: me three
Jennie: why you guys jealous
Lisa: is it because you 3 are single handsome boy that girls get crazy that you can't even find one
Jimin , Taehyung and Jin: shut up
Lisa: sorry oppa , hehe
Jin: I just wish I found my girlfriend that I love but not force
Lisa: forcing to marry you
Jin: yep
Lisa: guys just shut up let's just finish this movie

Time skip
We have finished the 2 hour movie. Well Jungkook still hugging me I said only five minutes our hug became 2 hours . We were now at the living room thinking what to do
Jungkook : what time is it
Lisa: 6:30 pm
Joy: still early
Rośe: now what will we do
Suga: sleep
Jungkook: again sleepyhead
Lisa: how about karaoke
Jin: that's  good  though
Jungkook: wait let me assemble the karaoke
After an hour
Joy: finally
Yeri: who will start first
Lisa: me and rośe
Jungkook: what will you sing
Lisa: L-O-V-E
They started to sing

Jungkook pov
She has a good voice love. While rośe was singing I saw  Jimin hyung staring at her I think someone is in love than me

All: love is all I can to you , love is more than a game for two, two can make it.take my heart and please don't brake it . Love was made for me and you

After Lisa and Rośe sing

Lisa pov

Jin : who is next
Namjoon: trivia did you know that our maknae Jeon Jungkook h--
He was cut by Lisa
Lisa: Jeon Jungkook has a angelic beautiful voice and a great dancer at BTS
Namjoon: how do you know
Lisa: ugh just sing ko-- I mean Jungkook
Jin: koo what
Lisa: shut up world wide handsome.(whispers to herself)annoying old man
Jungkook: ok
Jungkook just started singing

He has a beautiful angelic voice when it was the chorus he look at me
Jungkook: You are the cause of my euphoria ( wink)
All: euphoria
After Jungkook sings
Joy: Lisa was true
Lisa: I know right
Lisa just wave her hair like she was always right
Jungkook: yeah
*knock knock *
Jin: who can that be
Lisa: I will open it
Lisa walks to the door it was
??? : where's my boyfriend  b!tchy sl*t
Slap Lisa
Lisa: what the f*ck IU
Jungkook: IU
IU: babe my love
IU hugged Jungkook but he pushed her away from him
Jungkook: what the
IU: why babe
Jungkook: your such a destruction your are ruining our time
IU:but your my boyfriend
Jungkook: why can't you accept the fact that I am getting married to Lisa like I tell you if you love me let me go and let me be happy with someone else that I really love just leave
Jungkook slammed the door. His eyes was full anger
Jungkook: you okay
Lisa: I think so
Jungkook: you have a mark on you face
Lisa : don't mind I will explain to them
Jungkook and Lisa came back to the living room
Jin: why do you have a mark
Lisa: ugh
Jungkook: IU slapped her
Joy: explain what happened
Lisa and Jungkook explain everything happened
Wendy: wow what a b!cth
Jennie: I want to slap her
Suga: poor Lisa was slapped
Jin: are you hurt
Lisa: do I look like I am hurt
Taehyung: it late
Jin: time to sleep kid
All: awww
They all go to there room and sleep

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