Chapter 6

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[announcement part 2]

Jungkook pov
Because we have a little argument Jin hyung stops us then Lisa walks to the table and plays with her phone. But she looks very gorgeous and kind of sexy of what Lisa wears .
Jungkook: hyung
Jin : yes kookie
Jungkook: where is the others
Taehyung : they are talking with the others here
Jin : you know Jungkook I hate when you argue with someone especially my sister Lisa
Jungkook: well I like teasing her
Taehyung: where is IU
Jungkook: I don't want to bring her every business party because Lisa is always at the business party she may make a scene to the party
Jin : ok
Jungkook still chit chatting with Jin and taehyung

Lisa pov
I was playing with my phone someone tap my shoulder it was my friend bam bam I stand up
Lisa : your here too with your parents right
Bam bam : yes you look beautiful tonight Lisa
Lisa : thanks (blushed)
MC: lady and gentlemen pls be sited and we will start in a minute
All of the guests sited to there table well guess what Jungkook was  sitting beside me this table is for Kim and the Jeon family I guess
MC : welcome ladies and gentlemen to the party of Kim and Jeon's collaboration
All of people clap
MC: please enjoy your night and you may all eat

Jungkook pov
While I was eating dinner Lisa was still on her phone
Jungkook: Lisa, are you not going to eat
Lisa : wait ok I'm going to eat
Time skip after dinner
MC : may we have mr and mrs Kim and mr and mrs Jeon to have their speech
Our parents go to the stage and say their speech
Mr Kim: I am very happy that we will collaborate with the Jeon company
Mrs Kim : we are very thankful that you all come to the business party
Mrs Jeon: actually everyone this is also an engagement party
Everyone gassed
Mrs Kim: this is an engagement party for our my daughter Lalisa manoban Kim and the Jeon 's son Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook and Lisa was shock that they will get married
So this is the start of the force marriage life

Lisa pov
I can't believe I am getting married already I was really shocked. My friends and brothers were shocked too
This is so surprising in my life .
Everyone clapped there hands for Lisa and Jungkook
Mr Kim : thanks for coming everyone
Our parents go down to the stage
Lisa : mom dad what is this
Dad : you are getting married to Jeon Jungkook
Mom : can we talk inside the house
All: ok
We entered the house and go to the living room
Jungkook: sorry but I cannot marry her
Lisa : me too
Mrs Jeon: any reason for that
Jungkook: well I  already have a girlfriend mom
Mr Jeon: then break up with her because you are getting married to Lisa
Lisa : why me why not the others there
Mr Jeon: we picked you because you are a perfect girl for Jungkook
Jungkook:  what ever I won't accept the marriage  . I am going
Mr Jeon: well before you go this your grandfather's last wish before he died
Jungkook looked back with a little tear

Flashback 7 years ago
Mr Jeon: dad don't leave us (sobbing)
Grandpa : before I die can I do wish
Mr Jeon: what is  it dad
Grandpa : I want my grandson Jungkook marry Lalisa Kim
Mr Jeon: no no dad don't leave

End of flashback
Jungkook was crying . He hugs he's dad .
Jungkook: of it is grandpa's last wish I will marry Lisa
Mrs Jeon: ok , Lisa  are you accepting the marriage
Lisa : ok I will marry him
Mom : that's great so let's talk about the wedding
They talk about the wedding 
When they were talking about the wedding I go upstairs to my room and watch Netflix 

Jungkook pov
I was thinking how to break up with IU . Well I will try to love Lisa .
Well this is kind of boring though.  I saw Lisa going upstairs
Jungkook: mr Kim where is Lisa's bedroom
Mr Kim : it's a the right side and the second door
Jungkook: ok thanks 
Jungkook go upstairs to go to Lisa's room he was planning something . I knock her room

Lisa pov
While I was watching Netflix at the tv someone knock I pause the movie and open the door it was Jungkook
My gosh what now he is such a distraction I say something
Lisa : what do you want and how did you find my room
Jungkook didn't speak but otherwise walk forward then Lisa walks backwards
Lisa : Jungkook answer me . Ouch
Jungkook already pinned her to the wall
Jungkook: you want me right
Lisa : I nev------
Lisa was cut of by a kiss from Jungkook. The kiss was so very passionate and deep. After a minute the both stop kissing because
Mom : oh god don't tell me they just kiss
Lisa : mom y-your were h-here * shutters *
Jungkook : please don't tell anyone even my parents
Mrs Jeon : tell us what
Jungkook: what are doing here
Mrs Jeon: mrs Kim will show me something .
Jungkook: ok
Dad : Lisa and Jungkook go downstairs and finish this evening
Liskook: ok

They go downstairs to finish it
Jimin : cous, can we talk with you for a minute
Lisa: sure why not
Jimin: Lisa I know your not happy today
Lisa : yeh I am not happy
??? And ??? : yah what are you guys talking about
Lisa : oppa
Taehyung: you and Jungkook are getting married
Jin : i cannot believe it
Taehyung: it means your gonna move to another house ( fake crying)
Lisa : you can always visit
Taehyung:  I never think about that
Jimin : I never really want Lisa to get married you know
Jin and taehyung: true
Lisa : why not
Jin:  because you are still a baby
Lisa :  ahhh

They chit chat until the party was over

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