Chapter 9

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[ Drunk in the pain of love part 1]
Lisa's pov
I woke up and saw Jungkook sleeping so peaceful and hugging me tightly.i was going to stand up then Jungkook pull me down to our bed and hug me tighter like it was his last day hugging me
Jungkook: don't go wifey * sleepy tone*
Lisa:sorry but we have school
Lisa carefully let go of Jungkook's grip and replace a pillow . Lisa go to do,her morning routine
This is what Lisa looks like

Curl hair, sky blue off shoulder, skinny jeans, white shoesLisa got out from the bathroom then saw Jungkook still sleeping peacefully

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Curl hair, sky blue off shoulder, skinny jeans, white shoes
Lisa got out from the bathroom then saw Jungkook still sleeping peacefully. Lisa decided to wake him up.
Lisa shake lightly Jungkook's shoulder
Lisa: wake up Jungkook
Jungkook: give me five more minutes
Lisa stared his face while sleeping then Jungkook speaks
Jungkook: am I that really handsome
Lisa stayed quiet for a second

Seeing Jungkook sleeping like I want to slap his face just joking
Lisa: Jungkook we have school . And we have to go now
Jungkook: fine
Jungkook wake lazily to the bathroom. While Lisa is going downstairs to cook breakfast.

Jungkook  pov
I was woke  by Lisa . I go to shower and wear this

I wear a green long sleeve, black pants, black shoes

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I wear a green long sleeve, black pants, black shoes . After I get ready I go to the kitchen see Lisa cooking breakfast.
Lisa: finally you woke up sleepy head
Jungkook: YAH!, I am not a sleepy head suga hyung is * pouts *
Lisa : yeah yeah what ever .
Lisa continued cooking breakfast then open he's phone when he open his phone it was full notification of 25 text and 10 calls from IU . Then Jungkook showed a annoying face
Lisa : is someone annoying you Jungkook
Jungkook: oh its nothing continue your cooking
Jungkook's thoughts: ahhh freaking annoying girlfriend. If you just knew I am getting married.
Lisa: hey breakfast is ready and stop using your phone
Jungkook: ok what your menu
Lisa: well I made pancakes with chocolate syrup, strawberrys and blueberries and some pomelo juice
Jungkook: well that sounds good . Let it
Time skip after breakfast

Lisa pov
We just finished eating breakfast then Jungkook asked me a question
Jungkook: I will drive
Lisa: to late ( laugh)
Lisa rushed to the garage pick a car but someone pushed to the car wall
Jungkook: and your not going anywhere honey ( smirk in a seductive way)
Lisa: y-yah let me go Jungkook. And fine you drive ( shutters)
Jungkook get the car keys they entered together and drove to the university

Time skip  to school
We arrived at the university then we saw my brothers and friends are waiting even IU is waiting for Jungkook his boyfriend. The hell she is so annoying last night she was calling at Jungkook's phone plus she must know our marriage we will see what will be her reaction. Then Jungkook parked to the paring lot duh then we approached to our friends
Lisa : good morning guys and my beloved brothers
Jimin: aye don't forget your favorite cousin
Taehyung: I miss you sis
Jin: when your not in the house last night I am really missing you I cannot sleep you know.
Lisa: awww I miss you too even rm oppa so namjoon oppa did you break a plate today
Namjoon : yah
Jin: yes he break a plate
All: hahahaha
Blackpink and red velvet: hi Lisa
Lisa hello unnies
Joy : how are you
Yeri: did sleep well
All of the blackpink and red velvet questions that Lisa can't answer
Jin : sis where's your fiancé
???: right here hyung
They looked at Jungkook
IU: Fiancé excuse me he is my boyfriend period and he's mine.
she give a peck on Jungkook's lip . Then all of them give a cringing look at IU and Jungkook
Lisa : get a room guys
Jungkook: IU not here
IU: now can you explain that why she is your fiancé why not me why are you getting married and lastly why didn't you answer my calls and all my texts
Jungkook: I will explain it to you but don't be surprised
Jungkook took a deep breath then he explained the marriage
Jungkook: we are getting married because it was a for the company and we were forced to say yes and lastly
I sleep early I was really comfortable last night because I am hugging my precious pillow( Jungkook looks to Lisa means she was  the pillow that was really comfortable last night ) period any more questions IU
IU: so you were force to marry that loser nerd
Blackpink, bts and red velvet: hey she is not a nerd
Lisa: IU mind your words before you say that words to me plus I am more beautiful,smart and all of it than you remember that
IU: what the hell
She  slapped Lisa and push Lisa to the floor  which her brothers help her then IU just kissed Jungkook like there is no tomorrow . Jungkook broke the kiss he was supposed to approach to Lisa but she was pulled by IU .Lisa's heart like broke into a million pieces she was crying
Jin : omo sis are you ok
Jisoo: freaking IU hurt my baby
Lisa: unnies and oppa I don't want to go to the university today ( still sobbing)
Jimin: we will get Jungkook a lesson
Jennie: that right
Taehyung: we should not let Jungkook have a girlfriend at the first time
Jin:  IU should get a lesson
Lisa: don't plus I am not fine . Just ignore IU with Jungkook
Seulgi: we should go now we're not coming to the university
Wendy: that's right.
Jin : please take care of Lisa and we will visit later
Lisa: ok oppa girls take me some where
They left at the university then they arrived at a house
Lisa : is this Jennie unnie house
Jennie: yes now enter
That all entered the house .
Jennie: stay here Lisa and have some rest later we will go to a party
Lisa: seems fine
Jennie: ok  here is your clothes for tonight and see you later at 5 pm

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