The Heartbreaker.

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It is quite emotional especially at the end (I even cried when I read it all the way through!!) I've done it so that its for everyone so where it says H|N just put whichever name you want to (Brad, James, Connor, Tristan). I hope you like it!


You remember the events of that one day like it was just yesterday. Sitting there in the leather chair. Your heart beating like it was the drum roll to your fate. Then it came. The bad news. You couldn't help but cry. H|N cried and held your hand too. It wasn't your fault you'd had it since you were born. It was no ones fault. That's what made it worse.

The doctor had just told you that your heart wasn't working as it should. You were already connected to a machine that you had to carry round with you. But this time the doctor said that if you didn't get a transplant off someone you wouldn't have much longer to live. You needed to wait until someone with a donor card and matching blood type passed away. It was awful thinking that way but... But... Just thinking about it became too much for you to cope.

You went home with H|N without saying a word to each other. It was obvious he couldn't take it.

"Listen please H|N, I love you with all my heart, even if it doesn't work properly, I know it's hard for you but we just need to enjoy the time that we have left together. Not talking to me isn't helping. What if I'm not here tomorrow."

He broke down into full sobs. He was uncontrollably crying.

"You... Can't... Say... That." He said in between sobs.

"But it's true babe." You replied.

You and H|N had been friends from the start of high school and you became a lot more when he asked you to prom at the end of high school and you'd been together ever since. But only in the last few months had you gotten worse with your illness. He'd been by your side through everything. If he had plans he cancelled them if you needed to do anything.

He went upstairs and came down clutching something in his hands.

"No matter what happens I want you to always have these then I know you've always got a part of me." He said as he passed you his dog chain necklace that had his name engraved on it. His grandfather bought it for him on one of his special birthdays.

Your eyes filled with tears as you knew how much this necklace meant to him and he was willing to give it to you.

Over the next few weeks he had organised little trips and adventures that made you forget about everything that was going on and it just made you focus on your relationship. Everyday made you closer than the last. It made you realise how much you truly love H|N.

One day while out enjoying yourselves he proposed.

Only a couple of weeks later you were happily married. You'd both decided to write your own vows for each other, his were:

"I love you and you know it. I've loved you since day one. I'm going to keep this short and sweet but I will do anything to make you feel better and ensure that you live a long and happy life - no matter what it takes. You've made me the happiest man alive and I want to make you happy too. You'll always be my best friend. I love you."

You received that one phone call you'd been waiting for, for so long. There was a heart that was ready. But it suddenly dawned on you that this is it. The operation could go horribly wrong or it would work out and you'd be able to live a normal life without being attached to a machine.

You were rushed into hospital immediately so that the procedure could be done straight away. H|N came with you. He stayed by your bed side as the got you ready for theatre. His last words before you went to the theatre were 'I love you'.

It was a few days after the operation and you were awake and alert. No one was allowed to see you in case of infection. But today they were letting you have one visitor. You wanted it to be H|N.

No one showed up except for a nurse holding a bunch of flowers and a card.

"Do you know if H|N is here?" You asked.

The nurse went pale.

"Has no one told you?" She replied.

"Ermm I don't know how to tell you this but you're husband is the reason that you're here now... He gave you his heart." She spoke softly and nervously.

You broke down into tears as the nurse handed you the card and flowers.

You opened the card and it said:

To, Y|N

I love you and you know it. I've loved you since day one. I'm going to keep this short and sweet but I will do anything to make you feel better and ensure that you live a long and happy life - no matter what it takes. You've made me the happiest man alive and I want to make you happy too. You'll always be my best friend. I love you.


By the time you'd read it you couldn't see the writing no more. Your tears had covered the card making the ink smudge. You saw the dog chain wrapped around the bouquet of flowers and immediately got it and put it round your neck. It was comforting and that's what you needed right now.

You looked at a picture of him on your phone.

"The moment that you left me, my heart was split in two, one side was filled with memories, the other side died with you. I will lay awake at night when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane with tears upon my cheek. Remembering you is easy, I will do it everyday, but missing you is the heartache that will never go away. I hold you tightly with in my heart and there you will remain, you see life will go on without you, but it will never be the same." You spoke as you looked longingly at the picture of the man you truly love.


Did you cry?

Katie xxx

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