『 Intro 』

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Since the beginning of lunch, Renjun had been standing on the same spot for the past forty-five minutes, staring at a board in the school's hall that held the class rank of every individual student by grades of the same year.

Distress and annoyance were evident on the boy's face as he continued to look back and forth at the two names that were placed beside ranks one and two. The occasional sounds of chatter from students walking by and echoes of lockers filling the halls were all blocked out as Renjun continued his stare off with the board.

For the past two years since he's started attending the university, Renjun had to deal with being ranked 'second-best' in his year. Each semester had been the same result, including this year's first semester. Renjun had high hopes coming back from the summer break, spending his time, focus, and energy into studying, only for it to come crashing down at the sight of a specific person's name above his own.

Oh, how Renjun hated the sight of his name below this persons. He honestly wouldn't care so much if his name had been below someone who he thought was worthy of the title. But no... Renjun couldn't understand and accept someone who never pays attention or takes notes, being too caught up in sleep 24/7 to even participate in class, worthy of the title.

Throughout the years, Renjun had grown a distaste towards the other, at the same time, curiosity for the other also peeked in the back of his mind. The boy was curious to know how a person who put no effort into anything continued to hold such a high rank. Renjun often felt his excess studying was useless. Having to work hard in hopes of surpassing and finally obtaining what he knows he deserves, drained the boy to no end.

Deciding he's had enough of the unpleasant sight, Renjun gave the board one last glare, specifically at a name, before turning on his heels. The boy began to walk to his next class, with his mind still focused on a specific someone.

Not noticing a particular person who had exited out of the school's clinic, located in the same hall he was. The person let out a silent yawn with arms stretched in the air, hands proceeding in resting on the back of their head with their fingers laced. With a tunnel vision, the person started on their way to class, solemnly focusing on the music blasting from their earphones, not paying any attention to their surroundings.

Coming from behind, someone bumped Renjuns shoulder abruptly, stopping him in his tracks. Looking at the culprit, the boy's gaze darkened at the sight of the male with silver-blonde hair who mumbled a quick apology, then resumed to lazily walk down the hall. Renjun continued to glare at the back of said males retreating figure. Breathing out a heavy sigh and proceeding in his steps, muttering under his breath.

"Na, fucking, Jaemin."

『 N.J. ⋆✩⋆ H.R. 

Ah!... hoo.. okay... ehem. 

♡ Thank you for checking out this fic. I seriously appreciate it ♡

I'm usually the type to read ff and not write it, but I wanted to try it out. Sorry if it ain't that great. I will be accepting any criticism my way.

Hope you enjoy!

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