『 Eighteen 』

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"...-to get the hell off me and out of my fucking room," Renjun seethed, pissed at the boy hovering over him. He can't lie that Jaemin was making him feel excited, but his embarrassment and willingness to keep Jaemin out of his room was stronger.

Jaemin pulled away, shocked by the older's words. "So... We're not doing this?" he asked, looking into Renjun's eyes that held determination. Sighing, he slowly got off the older before trudging his way out of the room. Renjun pushed himself up on his elbows, watching Jaemin's retreating figure disappear past the door.

He laid flat on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. 'I mean he's already seen my room right?... It wouldn't hurt to continue.' Finally making up his mind, he was about to call Jaemin back into his room when his phone went off, preventing him from doing so. Heaving a heavy sigh, he crawled over to his nightstand where his phone was charging, checking the caller id, before swiping his thumb on the screen to answer.

"What do you want Jisung?" he grumbled.

"Well hello to you too," Jisung replied, sounding upset.

Renjun furrowed his brows, his concern for the younger taking over his annoyance, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Hyung...," Jisung's voice cracked, "Chenle told me that he likes someone."

"Did he say who?"

"No, he told me not to worry about it. But Hyung... I'm losing my fucking mind. I seriously want to punch whoever that person is in the face," Jisung ranted.

"Yeah... it's me," Renjun deadpanned, thinking it would be funny to play around a little.

"...What!" Shuffling sounds came through Jisung's end of the line, before he spoke again, "You wait right there. I'm gonna fucking kill you."

Renjun laughed at Jisung's determination, figuring all the shuffling noise was Jisung getting out of bed to change so that he could come over to his apartment and beat him up.

"I'm kidding."

"I really don't know what to believe right now."

"Well, believe me when I say I'm kidding 'cause I have a hunch on who Chenle likes."

Hearing this piqued the interest of Jisung who began attacking Renjun with questions, "Really? Who? Do I know him? Do you know him? Is he a kid in one of your classes? or mayb-"

"Let me stop you there," Renjun interrupted, "Here's what I will tell you... His name begins with a J and ends with a G," he hinted, giving Jisung some time to think.

A gasp came from Jisung's end as he spat the name, "Han Jisung!... That bitch."

Renjun dropped his head in disappointment. "No... You're an idiot."

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