『 Twelve 』

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Scrunching his face when feeling something tickling at his nose, Renjun slowly opened his eyes glancing around the unfamiliar room. His brows furrowed, when he felt something sliding up his back, under his shirt. Hearing soft snores, he shifted his attention on the boy who was peacefully sleeping beside him still pressed against him. Renjun became aware of the whole situation internally scolding himself for falling asleep. Carefully grabbing Jaemin's arms that were securely wrapped around him, he attempted to detach himself from the younger's hold. With success, he slipped out to the bed and quietly made his way out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door every so gently behind him, he walked out of the hallway towards the living room where he found Doyoung and Mark sitting on the couch. Doyoung had a coffee in hand, his eyes glued to the tv in front of him. While Mark sat sprawled on the couch, scrolling through his phone. None of the two noticed the boy who looked as if he were a child who crawled out of his crib after a long nap.

Walking out of the kitchen came Taeyong who instantly noticed Renjun, gasping at the presence, gaining the other two's attention. "Renjun?"

The said boy widened his eyes then showed a sheepish smile, clearing his throat as he tried to think of an explanation of why he was here in their home, looking like he had spent the night, which he did. "Um..."

"He slept over in my room," Jisung intervened, appearing out from the hall, slinging an arm around Renjun's shoulder. Renjun looked at the younger in surprise.

"We got here when you guys weren't home and hung out in my room playing games, but we both fell asleep," he continued, partially lying. He looked over at Renjun who slowly nodded in agreement.

"Yes... That happened."

Doyoung rolled his eyes at the two attempting to lie. Did they forget he could read minds? 


Taeyong and Mark, on the other hand, bought it, going back to what they were doing.

Renjun threw Jisung's arm from off his shoulder making his way over to the kitchen where Taeyong was, Jisung following him from behind. "So... What happened?" Jisung whispered as they seated themselves on the island chairs in the kitchen.

"Nothing, I just accidentally fell asleep," Renjun whispered back, glaring at the younger who had a teasing look on his face. "I'm serious."

"What do you boy's want for breakfast?" Taeyong interrupted their silent chatter placing a box of pancake mix on the island in front of them. "Pancakes?"

"Yes, please! Hyung you're the be~st," Jisung praised, sending him finger hearts. In which Taeyong swatted away with his whisk.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go get Jaemin up, would you? He's never slept for this long and I'm getting worried."

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