『 One 』

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Entering the lecture hall, Renjun quickly made his way to his usual seat located in the back row of the class. Slumping down by the window, roughly taking his notes out of his bag and slamming them on his desk. He let out an exasperated groan as he let his forehead rest at the edge of his desk.

"Stupid Jaemin, with his stupid face and stupid... everything, that littl-"

"Good one," a sudden voice interrupted Renjun from his little sputter of insults. "You're always so wise with words." The same person continued, voice laced with sarcasm.

Renjun jumped in his seat, looking towards the tanned male. "Holy shit Donghyuck." He hadn't noticed the boy whose been sitting in the seat beside his before he had arrived. "Where'd you come from?"

The light auburn-haired male scoffed at his best friend, "Seriously... you're that obsessed with zomboy, you failed to notice-" he paused, motioning his hand up and down his body, "-me. The blessing of all blessings."

It was Renjuns turn to scoff, "Please." His eyes moving to focus on his notes, "You, my friend, are far from a blessing. You're the equivalent of Satan."

Donghyuck smiled towards the elder in a teasing like manner, "That I am."

"And I'm not obsessed with Jaemin," Renjun intervened, rolling his eyes at the thought. "I just hate how I'm the one putting in the hard work, while he...," Renjun trailed off as his eyes landed on the said male, two rows ahead of where he and Donghyuck were seated. Renjun muttered a quiet, "nevermind," subconsciously lingering his gaze on the boy.

Following Renjun's gaze, Donghyuck let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head lightly at the elder.

Two rows down from the boys, sat Na Jaemin with his upper body slumped down on his desk and head buried in his arms, as he slept soundly on his seat.

Throughout the years, Jaemin built a reputation as the university's "zomboy." Always sleeping in class, looking fatigued, with his sloth-like demeanor. Spending most of his time between his classes in the school's infirmary. His eyes void with a tint of red mixing with the faint evident bags under his eyes. His messy silver-blonde hair, that fell to his eyes adding to his look. Even still, both girls and boys couldn't deny the beauty of Na Jaemin, no matter his state.

With his reputation, students and teachers knew very well of the boy's effortless smarts. Some thought it wasn't fair, while others praised him. But Jaemin didn't care for any of it.

Jaemin had his own problems to worry about, rather than his social life. He was only ever close to four people, three of them being his best friends. One was the school's nurse and two others he basically grew up with. Other than that, no one else could ever get close to the boy.

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