『 Nineteen 』

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Slumping on the counter of the J.T. Diner, sat a distressed Renjun, whose been a mess ever since Jaemin had confessed to him five days ago. He hasn't seen the boy since then and he dreaded their time apart.

With his face pressed against the counter, Renjun admired the ring Jaemin gave him. The letters of the words carved into it being a constant reminder that Jaemin's heart belonged to him. Which made him feel even worse for not being able to tell him that he felt the same way. His heart ached with each passing day thinking of what Jaemin could be doing, now that he wasn't here to bother him anymore.

'Nana... I'm so sorry.'

"Woah, what's up with that gloomy expression you have there Renjun?" Johnny asked while hauling a big bag of flour out from the kitchen.

Renjun sighed as he propped an elbow on the counter, resting his chin on his palm. "I'm the worst..."

Johnny placed the bag of flour down on a steel table behind the counter while asking, "Why? What's wrong?" He walked over to where Renjun was, leaning his hand on the counter near the boy, ready to be vented to.

"Jaemin doesn't deserve to wait for an answer I could already be giving him," Renjun thought out loud while Johnny listened. "I mean... am I that much of a coward to tell him that I feel the exact same way he does?... He already confessed and I still feel like this is all just a dream. And once I say those three words to him, I'll wake up and he won't be there anymore." He looked up at Johnny as tears began to prick at his eyes.

Patting a hand on Renjun's head, Johnny bent down to align with younger's eyes before he began speaking, "Listen kid. Fear is an emotion that consumes us all day to day, making us regret the things we never say or do when it's needed the most. But you can't let fear be a constant emotion in your life. Yes, it can protect us, but it can also break us... So you need to kick fear in the butt and start thinking with your heart, because the mind can make you overthink, feeding the fear inside you to its strongest point... You shouldn't be fearing the absence of Jaemin's presence. You should be fearing that if you don't confess, you will lose more than just him."

Renjun stared at Johnny with admiration as he took in every single word. "So in short... I'm a coward," he concluded half-jokingly, making Johnny chuckle while ruffling up his hair.

"Don't be so down. I'm sure that you and Jaemin will get through this," Johnny encouraged, standing up straight and taking a cloth to wipe the counter with.

"I hope so..." Renjun sighed.

Changing the topic, Johnny tossed over a damp cloth to Renjun before asking, "When're your classes starting up again?"

Renjun got up off the stool before taking the damp cloth and helping Johnny wipe the counter. "In two days," he answered simply.

"I'd say that's enough time to pull yourself together and confess to the boy," Johnny advised, glancing over at Renjun with an assuring smile.

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