『 Four 』

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"Renjun!" Ten called out to the boy before he could exit the Diner.

Everyone decided to part ways an hour after Jisung left, as it was getting dark out. Donghyuck left with Jeno to go watch a late movie, while Chenle decided on meeting up with his mom at a nearby restaurant for dinner. Renjun, having nothing better to do, stayed at the diner studying for another half-hour. Then deciding he'd done enough, he packed up his things ready to leave but was stopped by Ten.

Renjun turned around to find the short male already standing in front of him, making him let out a little yelp of fright. "Ge! don't do that."

Ten chuckled at the younger, "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you for a favor." He took out a piece of paper from his pocket with an address written down, handing it over to Renjun. The boy examined it, finding the address very familiar.

"This is Jisung's address," he notified, looking to the older who appeared happy at the information, showing his bright smile.

"Good, then you wouldn't mind-" Ten paused, walking behind the counter and lifting a medium-sized box in his hands, for Renjun's view. "-taking this over."

Renjun stared at the box in suspicion. "What's inside?" he pried, growing more curious when Ten's smile faded at the question.

"Books," he simply said, making his way back over to Renjun and handing him the box.

Renjun held the box in his hands, estimating the weight of it. It wasn't too heavy, but he could tell Ten wasn't lying about what was inside. It felt like there were about a dozen books inside.

Ten pushed Renjun towards the entrance of the diner and shot him one last smile as he opened the door for the boy. "Be safe, it's already five-thirty, the quicker you deliver that the sooner you can get home," Ten advised, waving Renjun farewell.

Renjun uttered a quick "goodbye" before stepping out into the cold night. A light rose color instantly painting over his nose and cheeks.

The bright lights that decorated the front of different shops and restaurants illuminated the streets beautifully. Making Renjun take a moment to admire his surroundings. The night was peaceful as people walked with their family and friends along the streets. The sounds of people's laughter rang through Renjun's ear, making his lips curve into a sweet smile. He hummed in content as he began his walk to Jisung's apartment.

'What a waste to be lonely on a night like this,' Renjun thought, holding the box close to his chest.

Arriving at the destination, Renjun double-checked the number of the apartment door, before ringing the bell. He's never actually been to Jisung's, none of his friends have. They were always turned down at the opportunity, by the younger. So Renjun wasn't sure if he was at the right door.

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