『 Twenty Three 』

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"Mingyu Hyung!" Chenle shouted when seeing the man in front of the university's fountain where Donghyuck said he'd be. The said male turned his head towards the familiar voice, seeing Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck making their way over to him.

Chenle engulfed the older in a hug as soon as they reached him, making Mingyu chuckle at the younger's excitement to see him, "Hey kiddo."

"Who are you calling kiddo? I'm twenty, Hyung," Chenle pouted while detaching himself from the older.

Mingyu ruffled the younger's hair while saying a quick, "Sorry." Before turning his attention to the boy he has been wanting to see ever since he came back to Korea. "Renjun, you're looking more and more beautiful as the years go by, I see," he complimented, watching as Renjun's cheeks turned crimson. A sight he always loved to see.

"U-Uhm, t-thank you Hyung," Renjun replied while patting his cheeks with his cold hands in attempts to decrees the heat in them.

"Alright enough flirting or else I'm gonna vomit on all of you," Donghyuck complained, already having witnessed Renjun and Jaemin making out earlier. "And you-" Donghyuck pointed his fingers at his cousin, "-Don't go flirting with another person's man," he warned, making Mingyu raise his brows in surprise.

"Oh? You're taken?" Mingyu directed to Renjun, who furrowed his brows when thinking of an answer to the question.

"Technically, I guess. I mean we're not an official couple yet, but I'm sure we will be soon enough," Renjun beamed, as the thought of Jaemin crossed his mind.

Mingyu examined the younger's face, a tinge of jealousy washing over him at the sight of Renjun being so happy at the thought of his lover. "Well, I'd love to meet them," he said while forcing out a smile.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes at his cousin's obvious sourness towards the given news before saying, "Great, it's your lucky day. We were just on our way to meet up with the others at the mall nearby. If you want to come with, that is."

"Sure, sounds fun," Mingyu agreed with his gaze locked onto the brunette, who shifted uncomfortably under it.

"Jeno! I swear... where'd that brat go?" Jaemin muttered to himself while walking through the children's play area located in the center of the mall. "I feel like I'm babysitting a child," he complained, crouching over to see if Jeno hid inside of one of the playhouses.

"Jaemin!" Mark called, making the boy stand up straight while looking over at the two who were just outside of the play area laughing. There Jeno was standing next to Mark, looking proud of himself for tricking the younger. Jaemin felt his face heat up from the embarrassment Jeno caused him, having wandered around the play area looking for the boy, getting skeptical stares from the parents of the children who were playing around.

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